Liu Ke killed Qiu Liju with a single shot and gave him a great pleasure.

"This is the fate of invading our Central Plains! Anyone who invades my strong man will be punished no matter how far away!" Liu Ke shouted.

The battlefield was silent.

There is only the sound of galloping galloping horses.

"Dongyanghou, I am incompatible with you, take my life!"

After three moves, Liu Ke knocked Tadun off the horse.

"My lord, be careful of backstabbing!" Lu Bu shouted.

However, after all, it was a step too late. Liu Ke was shot in the waist by an arrow, and he was so painful that he quickly covered it.

"Where are you, sneak attacking me?!" Liu Ke looked around and found the man holding the bow. Before he could make a move, Lu Bu shot the man to death with an arrow.

The marksman was the assassin arranged by Yuan Shang.

"Hitted, haha! Marquis Dongyang hit the arrow!" Yuan Shang suddenly laughed wildly.

"The arrows are poisonous, Dongyang Hou can't hold on for long, hurry up, chase!" Yuan Shang shouted with all his strength.

Without Yuan Shang's instructions, the people of the prairie will avenge their grudges, not to mention the death of a Shan Yu.

Qiu Li lived in Wuhuan, he was very prestigious, now that he is dead, no one from Wuhuan chased after him screaming.

With a heavy expression on his face, Ta Dun ordered someone to clean up Shan Yu's body, and then went out in full force.

Put on the attitude that if you don't kill Liu Ke, you will never give up!

As for Liu Ke, he had already slipped away.Lu Bu's army surrounded Liu Ke, for fear that Liu Ke would be shot again.

"My lord, how is your injury?" Lu Bu asked with concern.

In the next second, Lu Bu saw a surprising scene. Liu Ke threw away the arrow and said, "It's okay. I'm wearing soft armor. The bow and arrow can't hurt me."

"Then you..." Lu Bu suddenly understood.

My lord, you are so insidious!

No, it's Gao Ming!

First, he beheaded Qiu Liju, which aroused the anger of the crowd, and then pretended to be injured to make the enemy take it lightly.

Now looking at the howling wolf cubs behind him, Lu Bu suddenly felt that they were not scary at all, they even looked like they were waiting to be fed, and felt desolate for them.

Because next, is the beginning of the killing.


Knowing that Liu Ke was fine, Lu Bu became much lighter and increased his horse speed.

In this way, [-] cavalrymen ran wildly chasing [-] people.

Liu Ke was ready to move with his bow and arrow, but after thinking about it, let it go, since he pretended to be injured, then he pretended to the end.

And Yuan Shang followed Ta Dun, very excited.

That's a poisonous arrow, see the blood to seal the throat!

Even if Marquis Dongyang is not caught up, I won't live long.

Even if Hua Tuo was present, he could not be saved!

When Marquis Dongyang died, with this great achievement, Yuan Shang felt that the identity of his heir would be determined soon.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Stepping on the surface sinks like water.

"Ohh Ohh ohh--"

The horn whistle representing the attack sounded.

The Wuhuan cavalry pursued frantically, and Lu Bu, Liu Ke and others fought back while fleeing.

Lu Bu's subordinates were originally assault cavalry, skilled in bow and horse, and they were in the front position, and shot and killed many Wuhuan cavalry.

However, the Wuhuan people are tenacious, and this loss is nothing at all.

Hatred has blinded their eyes, and hatred has made them crazy, even if they are tamed, they can't stop it.

However, there was a scene that left Ta Dun stunned. He witnessed the warriors in his army rushing towards the Yangzhou cavalry like a tide, and they fell to the ground piece by piece like a hurricane blowing through the grass.

At some point, a crossbow array appeared in front of them!

Ta Dun immediately concluded that this was the enemy's support force.

No less than [-] people!

However, the assault could not be stopped at all.

Ta Dun squinted his eyes, looking in horror at the chariot-like carriages loaded with terrifying utensils.

It is the ballista!

Every crossbow arrow shot took away the lives of several people.

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