Moreover, every time is through!

After a long battle, have you ever seen such a powerful device?The complexion became extremely dignified.

The Wuhuan cavalry is invincible, the premise is that they can fight against the enemy.

Now, before they even met face to face, they began to fall in pieces.

Ta Dun woke up suddenly. After witnessing the cavalry under his command fell to the ground one by one, he realized one thing.

In front of the powerful Yangzhou ballista and Yuanrong crossbow, these unarmored prairie cavalry may only serve to consume the opponent's arrows.

This is Liu Kexin's ballista formation!

Combined, vehicles can withstand cavalry onslaughts, while ballistas can attack.

Each ballista cart is equipped with a groom, three soldiers responsible for firing the crossbow, and a soldier responsible for loading arrows.

In order to protect the vulnerable crossbowmen, there are two soldiers with huge shields.

In the gaps between the ballista carts, Yuan Rong crossbowmen were filled with sufficient firepower without stopping.

The Wuhuan cavalryman hit the steel plate all of a sudden, his head was bleeding.

In just a quarter of an hour, the ground was full of corpses.

However, the prairie cavalry is indeed synonymous with fierceness. With their superb horsemanship, they leaped over the corpses of their companions and moved forward brazenly.

Unfortunately, it didn't work at all.

Those crossbow bolts as thick as a thumb were fired, and the Wuhuan cavalrymen on the opposite side were scratched and killed, often before they ran far away, they were already corpses.

It can be described as corpses everywhere.

After losing nearly [-] people, he couldn't even bear to stop, so he hurriedly called a stop.

"Stop attacking! Stop attacking!"

What's even more incredible is that the Yangzhou army still has zero casualties so far.

They chased for so long, and they didn't even catch a child who fell off the horse!

Ta Dun almost went crazy with the loss of so many troops for no reason.

What is puzzling is that Tadun has called a stop, but there are still people rushing to die.

This involves Wuhuan's power struggle.

In Wuhuan, besides Shanyu Qiu Liju, there are three great kings below him, Nanlou, Su Puyan and Wuyan.

The reason why they expel soldiers regardless of losses is to fight for the position of Shan Yu!

Qiu Liju died so suddenly that only one young son, Lou Ban, was left behind.

In this case, what does it mean to avenge Qiu Liju?

Go one step further!

On the grassland, it is believed that revenge must be revenged.

Therefore, stopping it all at once doesn't do much.

until the loss is disastrous.

Only now did the Three Kings wake up from their power. Wasn't the price too high for them to do so?

They obeyed the "order".

Ta Dun was Qiu Liju's follower, and was appointed as Minister of Gu Ming to assist Lou Ban very early on. His words still had some effect.

However, after the Shesheng Battalion had an advantage, the Yangzhou cavalry moved!

One move is thunderous.

The Yangzhou cavalry are not afraid of the Wuhuan cavalry who are in good condition when fighting head-on, let alone the Wuhuan cavalry who have lost their vigor?

Tai Shici led [-] cavalry to attack from the left, while Zhao Yun led [-] cavalry to attack from the right.

The rest of the army attacked directly head-on.

Lu Bu took the lead and rushed to the front, followed by Xu Chu and Dian Wei.

After that, there were generals such as Zhang Liao, Zhang He, and Gao Shun.

With such a luxurious lineup, how can Wuhuan resist?

In particular, the Yangzhou cavalry had crossbows in their hands, which was extremely terrifying.

The Wuhuan cavalry's bows and arrows have an effective range of seventy to eighty steps. Within this range, their bows and arrows are fatal.

Unfortunately, the effective range of the Liannu developed by Tie Niucheng is [-] paces!

This is the power of technology!

On the battlefield, Wuhuan cavalry screamed one after another.

They were shocked, and there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

They began to regret, regretting chasing the Yangzhou cavalry here.

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