Directly pour dirty water on Yuan Shang.

Guo Tu almost clapped his hands!

Yuan Shang claimed to be smart, but what happened?Being manipulated by others.

"No, that's not the case!" Yuan Shang argued, "What I mean is to save the people of Jizhou from the military disaster."

"Well, with the Autumn Hunting Agreement, what are you worried about?" Zhuge Liang said, "I remember that Yuan Benchu ​​understood the righteousness and joined the Autumn Hunting Agreement."

Yuan Shang was so stunned that he couldn't speak. He had already implicitly stated that if you don't retreat, we will use the people as a shield!

However, he was beaten back by Zhuge Liang with a Tai Chi.

No matter how courageous Yuan Shang was, he didn't dare to speak too bluntly.

This is too taboo!

Keep the facts.

Yuan Shang couldn't help looking at Guo Tu, as a deputy envoy, how could he watch a play?

Damn, this matter was originally handed over to Guo Tu, if I knew it earlier, I would be more decisive and reject my father.

It's a pity that one step is wrong and one step is wrong.

"Since the battle, our army has not committed any crimes against the common people, and my lord also affirmed the Qiushou agreement." Guo Tu said solemnly, "But aren't the soldiers not human? They are also common people!"

When Yuan Shao took the oath as a master, he used this to attack Liu Ke, and Guo Tu used it flexibly.

"The soldiers don't want to fight, but the common people want to be calm, so I ask the Marquis of Dongyang to raise his hand!" Guo Tuqing said sincerely.

"Just now, who said that Bingzhou was going to be attacked?" Zhuge Liang asked back.

Guo Tu was momentarily at a loss for words.

Nima, this Zhuge Liang is too picky!

How to deal with this?

I slapped myself in the face many times.

Guo Tu looked at Yuan Shang affectionately, indicating that he had tried his best.

Don't ask too much again!

"Well, I'll give you a suggestion." Pang Tong interrupted suddenly.

Both Yuan Shang and Guo Tu held their breaths, for fear of missing a single word.

"Yuan Shao is a big tree that has fallen, and we still have Yangzhou! Mr. Yuan Shang is a talented person, and Mr. Guo Tu is very capable. You can take refuge in my lord!" Pang Tong said.

"My lord has always been thirsty for talents. If the two of you come to vote, they will definitely be reused. After all, my lord has been worrying about the affairs of officials. Now that there are two more places in Youzhou and Jizhou, the manpower is really not enough." Zhuge Liang added.

The two sang together, which confused Yuan Shang and Guo Tu.

Take refuge in Dongyang Hou?

It seems that it really works!

"My lord has always praised many scholars in Hebei. Tian Feng, Shenpei, Fengji, Jushou, and Mr. Guo are all available talents. When you come to Yangzhou, you will definitely have a place!" Pang Tong said.

"Not only that, the lord will also take out the position of governor to recruit all the talents." Zhuge Liang said.

The position of governor!

Everyone dreams of it.

Due to the different monarchs, the position of governor is also different.

Can the governor of Youzhou appointed by Yuan Shao be the same as the one appointed by Liu Ke?

With his back against Yangzhou, this governor is a favorite.

Maybe he will become the minister of the dragon in the future.

Who is not excited?

"As Mr. Yuan Shang, he is the biggest contender for the position of governor," Pang Tong said.

"I will not betray my father!" Yuan Shang suddenly said loudly.

This shout also woke up Guo Tu.

Guo Tu couldn't help slandering in his heart: I can hear it, don't be so loud, aren't you afraid of losing your head?

Of course Pang Tong knew that with just one sentence, it was impossible for the two of them to rebel. After all, they were the closest people to Yuan Shao.

But it is not useless, the Yangzhou side has taken the initiative in the negotiation.

Yuan Shang and Guo Tu are like monkeys being teased.Yuan Shang has been planning to fight back, but he has no idea.

"How is this a betrayal?" Pang Tong continued to seduce, "This is for the people of Jizhou!"

These words made Yuan Shang realize the reality.

It is true that Dongyang Hou loves the people, but it is absolutely impossible to use the people to make Dongyang Hou submit.

Today's negotiations broke up unhappily.

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