Yuan Shang and Guo Tu returned to the temporary camp arranged by the Yangzhou Army, with sad faces.

"Our task has not been completed, and we have not seen Dongyang Hou!" Guo Tu said.

You still have the face to say?

Yuan Shang almost cursed.

However, Guo Tu's next sentence made Yuan Shang change his mind.

"I tried to inquire with the guards, but they kept silent about Dongyanghou's matter," Guo Tu said.

Yuan Shang is a smart person, and he understood Guo Tu's meaning in an instant. This situation is very abnormal.

Why do you have to praise Dongyang Hou?

"I haven't seen Marquis Dongyang with my own eyes. This matter cannot be easily concluded." Yuan Shangdao, he is very clear about the consequences of a misjudgment.

"So, I plan to pretend to surrender and meet Dongyang Hou." Guo Tu said.

This idea seems to be a good one.

There is nothing to do right now, Yuan Shang had no choice but to give it a try.

So, that night, Guo Tu sneakily delivered a note to the guards,

The guards were soon handed over to Zhuge Liang. After reading it, he smiled and met Guo Tu in secret.

"Master Guo, what can you do?"

"Speaking of which, this is not the first time I have dealt with the Marquis of Dongyang." Guo Tu talked eloquently.

During the first anti-Yangzhou League, Guo Tu took Liu Ke's money to help expose Li Ru's conspiracy.

Yuan Shao retreated in a rage.

Speaking of it, Guo Tu still did a good deed, so he brought up the matter again just to draw in the relationship.

"Master Guo's thoughts, I understand." Zhuge Liang said.

"In that case, I would like to ask Mr. Zhuge to tell you that I want to see the Marquis of Dongyang, otherwise, I am worried." Guo Tu said.

"My promise is the Lord's promise." Zhuge Liang said.

However, Guo Tu did not give up, saying: "If there is no promise from Dongyang Hou, I will not believe it."

Zhuge Liang suddenly became embarrassed, and said: "It's already late at night, I'm afraid the lord has already fallen asleep."

"It's okay, you can report back during the day." Guo Tu said generously.

During the day, aren't you afraid of arousing Yuan Shang's suspicion?

Zhuge Liang had already seen through everything, Guo Tu's careful thinking was futile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Zhuge Liang wrote a letter of loyalty, dismissed Yuan Shang, and handed it to Guo Tu.

Guo Tu was dumbfounded.

"Mr. Zhuge, what does this mean?" Guo Tu asked.

"Sign and draw, my lord will summon you later." Zhuge Liang said calmly.

However, Guo Tu's heart suddenly became extremely heavy.

This is to leave a handle!

Moreover, it has not been filed with Yuan Shang yet.

But if you don't sign, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of the barracks.

Guo Tu fell into a dilemma.

"Could it be that Mr. Guo's refuge in Yangzhou is just talking about it?" Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"How is it possible!" Guo Tu gritted his teeth, signed and drew a bet.

Seeing the scarlet mark on the letter of allegiance, Guo Tu wanted to slap himself.

"Now we can see Marquis Dongyang, right?" Guo Tu said.

"Wait for a while, I will report to the lord here." Zhuge Liang put away the letter of loyalty, very satisfied.

Guo Tu had mixed feelings in his heart.

Finally, Zhuge Liang delivered a fatal blow, saying: "My lord has already gone out to inspect, but before he left, he has already left a message to accept Mr. Guo's allegiance."

Guo Tu wanted to cry a lot, because he was tricked!

Dongyang Hou didn't want to see him at all!

Wait, Guo Tu seems to have captured some important information.

I'm afraid, Dongyanghou is really seriously ill, otherwise, why would he refuse to meet again and again?

Thinking of this, Guo Tu couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

"When will the Marquis of Dongyang come back?" Guo Tudao, at this moment, he showed his patience and determination, and vowed not to give up without seeing the Marquis of Dongyang.

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