Zhuge Liang sneered, what are your plans, do you pretend that I don't know?

Since Guo Tu was leaving, Zhuge Liang didn't stop him, but he didn't send him off either.

After leaving the Yangzhou military camp, Guo Tu and Yuan Shang seemed to see the light.

There is too much aggrievedness hidden in it!

As soon as they returned to Yecheng, they immediately reported to Yuan Shao.

"How is the situation, how is Dongyang Hou?" Yuan Shao asked eagerly.

"We didn't see Marquis Dongyang." Yuan Shang said regretfully, adding fuel to the story of their battle of wits and courage.

Just as Yuan Shao showed a disappointed expression, Guo Tu added: "My lord, this is the biggest doubt!"

Afterwards, Guo Tu stated his inferences in detail.Gritting his teeth, he confessed his experience.

Yuan Shao was very indignant at first, Dongyanghou actually wins over his subordinates?

Then he praised Guo Tu's loyalty.

"Gongze, I have wronged you, don't worry about the loyalty book," Yuan Shao said.

With Yuan Shao's promise, Guo Tu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, is Marquis Dongyang injured? He will recover after a month or two of recuperation?" Yuan Shao said.

"Judging from the current information, this is the case." Guo Tu said.

Finally, it is rewarding, and it is not easy to win these time.

"Thank you for your hard work," Yuan Shao said.

After all, it was Yuan Shang who shot the stab in the back.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Master, the first step of the plan has been completed." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Ke has seen the performance of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong in the past few days, which is very good.

When Zhuge Liang dealt with Yuan Shang, Liu Ke did not do nothing.

The first is to perfect the plan.

Now that he was "injured", of course he had to make good use of it, otherwise all the preparations would have been in vain.

Based on this, everyone thought of a chain plan.

The first step is to reveal the news of Liu Ke's injury and reduce Yuan Shao's vigilance.

As for the second step, it is to win the counties of Jizhou.

After Liu Ke's army crossed the river, they only confronted Yuan Shao in Yecheng, and the rest of Jizhou was still in Yuan Shao's hands.

Taking other counties and cities can bring huge psychological pressure to Yuan Shaojun.

It gave Yuan Shaojun the feeling of being trapped in an isolated city.

What kind of experience is it like to live in Yecheng with hundreds of thousands of troops?

It's difficult, it's self-evident.

Of course, Yuan Shao can also choose to attack and stop the Yangzhou army.

For this, Liu Ke couldn't wish for it.Only when Yuan Shaojun went to battle, Liu Ke would have the opportunity to find new loopholes and sneak in.

The city of Ye, which Yuan Shao defended, belonged to Wei County of Jizhou.To the west is Bingzhou, and to the south is Yanzhou.

This is not the best place to resist Liu Ke, but Yuan Shao trusted Cao Cao so much that he focused on managing this place.

With Cao's operation as a support, he can stick to it for a long time.

Moreover, when Yuan Shao supported Yanzhou, Yecheng was the place to store grain, so the grain here was very abundant.

Unfortunately, Cao Cao's sudden defection dealt a fatal blow to Yuan Shao.In a short time, Yuan Shao had no time to operate the second stronghold.

Food alone is a big problem.

However, as far as Jizhou is concerned, Wei County is only a corner of the southwest, not enough to rule Jizhou.

Now that Yuan Shao's army is assembled here, it means that he has given up most of the Jizhou area.

Including Yuan Shao's fortune, Bohai County.

"Then assign tasks." Liu Ke said.

All the generals lined up, waiting for orders, with excited expressions.

However, there are also people who disdain, such as Lu Bu, what is the difference between attacking other places in Jizhou now and taking credit for nothing?

Yuan Shao had already withdrawn all his troops.

In contrast, Lu Bu prefers challenging tasks.

Under Liu Ke's signal, Guo Jia took a step forward and announced on his behalf.

"Gao Shun commanded an army of [-] troops to attack Leling County."

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