"Dian Wei commanded an army of [-] to attack Hejian County."

"Zhang Liao commanded an army of [-] troops and attacked Bohai County."

"Tai Shici commanded an army of [-] to attack Qinghe County."

"Zhang He commanded an army of [-] and attacked Anping County."

"Tibetan Ba ​​commanded an army of [-] to attack Julu County."


Guo Jia assigned a large number of tasks in one breath, and at the same time attacked the northern counties of Jizhou and penetrated the road to Youzhou.

This is also the strategic purpose of Yangzhou.

"Everyone, please take care of everything!" Liu Ke said.

"My lord, don't worry, you can recover from your injuries," Zhang He said.

When did Zhang He become so naughty?

"If something goes wrong in Anping County, hehe." Liu Ke said with a smile.

Zhang He suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing.

Anping County is relatively close to Wei County, and it is also the place where Yuan Shao is most likely to support.

Therefore, Zhang He is under great pressure, and he must be careful, otherwise the entire army will be wiped out, and it will be unreasonable.

"My lord, the general must be strict in doing things, and not allow the enemy to take advantage of it." Zhang Yun said seriously.

"This is Han land, don't come out with a bunch of Wuhuan girls." Liu Ke said.

Zhang He was taken aback.

I'll go, this is black history, I didn't expect the lord to remember it!

Back when Liu Ke supported Youzhou, he went deep into the grasslands to slaughter, and Zhang He brought back a group of Wuhuan girls...

"My lord, the last general doesn't dare!" Zhang He said tremblingly, and he didn't dare to be shy anymore.

Soon after, the army set off in a mighty way, heading in different directions.

This news, of course, could not be hidden from Yuan Shao, after all, everyone was numerous and powerful, staring at each other, any disturbance would be quickly understood.

"Didn't you say that Marquis Dongyang was injured? How could the Yangzhou Army move so violently!" Yuan Shao roared.

Of course Guo Tu could refute that, for example, the Yangzhou army was just bluffing to cover up the news that the Marquis of Dongyang was injured.

But Guo Tu didn't say anything, and silently accepted the criticism, waiting for Yuan Shang to be the first bird.

Sure enough, Yuan Shang did not disappoint Guo Tu.

"Father, the action of the Yangzhou Army is inevitable." Yuan Shangdao, "They avoid the important and ignore the minor, just trying to cover up something."

Yuan Shao had already withdrawn all the troops from other places, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled.

It can be said that any army can take these lands.

Yuan Shao was already mentally prepared, but when he knew that the territory was about to be lost, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

This pain made Yuan Shao's face contort.

"Father, as long as we defeat Marquis Dongyang, we can get back what we lost." Yuan Shang comforted.

How could Yuan Shao not understand such a simple truth, but it would be embarrassing for his son to comfort him.

Even his beloved son.

"Okay! I asked you to inquire about the news, but you brought back an ambiguous piece of information." Yuan Shao expressed his dissatisfaction.

Yuan Shang quickly admitted his mistake.

"Why didn't the Marquis of Dongyang be poisoned to death?" Yuan Shao sighed.

As for sending troops to rescue, Yuan Shao had thought about it, but he quickly gave up.

Hold on!

Can't mess up.

What happened next was much simpler.

Three days later, Gao Shun took Leling County without any effort.

Four days later, Dian Wei expelled the Hejian government and took Hejian County.

On the same day, Zhang He arrived in Anping County, and Anping County surrendered.


The battle report is like snowflakes, and when it is sent to Liu Ke's case, it is a big victory!

Yuan Shaojun is like a chicken and a dog.

The most tenacious resistance is Bohai County.

Bohai County can be called Yuan Shao's "hometown", and the rule is deeply rooted.

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