Here, the people worship Yuan Shao very much.

And Chun Yuqiong, the governor of Bohai County, was also an outstanding general, and he recruited tens of thousands of militiamen to resist.

Chun Yuqiong was one of the eight captains of Xiyuan set up by Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty. He was once as famous as Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

After Zhang Liao entered Bohai County, he wanted to recruit this person at first, but Chun Yuqiong reacted fiercely and was loyal to Yuan Shao.

Zhang Liao had no choice but to order a strong attack. After seven consecutive days of attack, Bohai County was taken.

On the day the city was broken, Chunyu Qiong fought to the death without retreating, and finally died in battle.

After Yuan Shao learned about it, he cried bitterly for three days, scolded the Yangzhou army for being inhumane and poisoning Jizhou, and vowed to avenge Chunyuqiong.

At Guo Tu's suggestion, Yuan Shao set up a mourning hall for Chunyu Qiong in Yecheng, and led all the soldiers to worship.

Yuan Shao denounced Liu Ke for being cruel and innocent, and encouraged the army to fight Liu Ke to the death.

In fact, Yuan Shao was just shouting slogans, how dare he go out to fight?

However, after Tadun found out about this incident, he believed it to be true and expressed his willingness to be a pioneer.

This made Yuan Shao extremely embarrassed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yuan Shao explained for a long time, but Ta Dun still refused to give up.

"Lord Zhou Mu, if you can't defeat the Marquis of Dongyang, please forgive me." Ta Dun threatened.

However, Yuan Shao wasn't frightened, and quickly comforted him: "Come on, Dongyanghou won't last long."

"Is seven days enough?" Ta Dun asked.

Yuan Shao's expression became strange in an instant, these Wuhuan people, are their brains not working or what?

What can you do in seven days?

"At that time, I will send someone to inform your army that the Marquis of Dongyang is our common enemy, and I also want to defeat him." Yuan Shao said.

After making some more promises, Yuan Shao finally let go.

It's exhausting to have teammates like this.

During this period of time, Yuan Shao kept losing the city, but it was difficult to do anything. He was aggrieved enough, and he had to deal with a talent like Ta Dun.

Alas, beyond words.

Regarding this matter, Yuan Shao summoned everyone to discuss a solution.

"At this moment, the morale of the army is stable, but it can't last." Yuan Shao pointed out the situation as soon as he opened his mouth, and he didn't indulge in various excuses.

"My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang is too deceitful. Our army might as well fight directly!" Gao Lan said loudly. As a soldier, the most important duty is to protect the territory.

Seeing the territory being lost continuously, Gao Lan's heart is bleeding!

If you continue to be wretched, you might as well fight to the death vigorously.

In the army, there are not a few people who think like Gao Lan.

Among them, Jushou and Trial are staunch supporters.

"My lord, don't let Marquis Dongyang do whatever he wants!"

However, it is difficult to make such a decision.

Yuan Shao covered his face with his palms and said, "I'm not timid to fight, it's just that there is no safe way, is there any other way to go?"

"Our army can abandon Jizhou and seize Bingzhou!" Gao Gan said, he has experienced the strength of the Yangzhou army, so it is best not to be an enemy.

"No, if the Marquis of Dongyang comes after him, what will happen to our army?" Tian Feng said.

"Dongyanghou won't be so shameless, after all, we have already given up on Jizhou..." Gao Gan was uncertain.

"The safest way is to hit Dongyanghou hard and win a battle, otherwise everything will be empty talk." Gao Lan said.

Doesn't Yuan Shao want to win the battle?

Really can't do it!

"Hmph, the Marquis of Dongyang has [-] troops, so I don't need to mention how elite they are. If you can't catch everyone by surprise and fight head-on, there is only one dead end." Gao Gan said mercilessly.

When it comes to Yuan Shao's heart.

"Can our army go north and capture Youzhou?" Yuan Tan made a suggestion.

Yuan Shao pondered for a while, but quickly denied it.

"Yecheng is a place we have painstakingly managed. Even the Marquis of Dongyang dare not attack easily. If you abandon this place, even if you take Youzhou, how long can you last?" Yuan Shang objected.

"What Xianfu said makes sense," Yuan Shao said.

Yuan Tan sighed, his father really loved his third brother more, to such an extent that he didn't even look him in the eye.

After half a day of discussion, Yuan Shao synthesized everyone's opinions, but still couldn't make up his mind.

Is there really no way out for Jizhou?

Now it is only the northern counties that have fallen, and I am afraid that it will be the turn of Wei County in the near future.

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