"It must be the Marquis of Dongyang who left an ambush in Bohai County!"

Yuan Tan turned pale with shock.

Soon, Guo Tu's guess was confirmed.

"It's not good! It's not good! The Yangzhou army has invaded the city!" The scouts rushed to report.

Yuan Tan directly ordered: "Prepare the horse!"

The scouts were overjoyed, and Mr. Yuan Tan stepped out, and the situation at the city gate would definitely ease.

However, it turns out that the scout was thinking too much.

Yuan Tan rushed out of the city gate with hundreds of cavalry.

Of course, from the other direction.

Guo Tu was not surprised at all.

Just kidding, the city gate has been lost, what confidence do they have to defend the city?

Mr. Yuan Tan is decisive and worth following!

Where there is life, there is hope.

Yuan Tan's retreat caused chaos in Nanpi.

Jizhou's soldiers are "weak" and have suffered from war for a long time.The coach has not shown up for a long time, how could they fight to the death?

"Surrender, don't kill! Surrender, don't kill!" Tai Shici shouted while riding his horse, and Liu Ke's banner was still flying.

Without saying a word, the Jizhou soldiers put down their weapons and crouched obediently with their heads in their hands.

Liu Ke's prestige still played a certain role, and he was famous for being kind to the captives.

Therefore, the Jizhou soldiers surrendered very simply.

As for the escaped Yuan Tan, Liu Ke was really speechless and didn't know what to say.

The Yuan family really couldn't use common sense to figure out what they were doing.

Liu Ke did not stay in Bohai, and the follow-up troops will be in charge of the garrison.However, the captives still need to be guarded, and Liu Ke left [-] troops behind.

"Leave immediately to Anping County!"

"As ordered!"

So, the army rushed to Anping in mighty force.

It's a pity that Liu Ke was still a step too late, and Yuan Shang was already prepared.

Yuan Xi and Yuan Tan fled to Anping County and informed Yuan Shang of the Yangzhou Army's information.

At this time, Yuan Shang was stationed in Guangzong County, Anping County.

Everyone is familiar with Guangzong. The famous Yellow Turban Rebellion ended here.

When Yuan Shang learned that Yuan Xi and Yuan Tan were defeated, he actually had a feeling of gloating.

It was the father who was far-sighted and left Anping County to him, otherwise the consequences would be the same as these two.

"The information has been delivered, so I won't be an eyesore at Guangzong." Yuan Xi said dejectedly, then left Guangzong and returned to Yecheng.

Yuan Tan thought about it, although he was half a beat behind, he still left.

Guangzong will probably have a bloody battle next. Can Yuan Shang withstand the attack of the Yangzhou army?

Not too possible.

Next, it was Yuan Shang's turn to be confused, the two elder brothers ran away, so what about him?

"Young master, we must stick to Guangzong and buy time for our lord," Shen Pei said.

That's what I said, but why should I put myself at risk?

Yuan Shang was not happy.

"Stick to it? How long can it last? It's better to preserve a little strength." Yuan Shang said.

"Young lord, if you want to impress the lord, what can you do if you don't show some strength?" the judge said.

Yuan Shang looked at Feng Ji.

"The young master's body is not suitable for taking risks. It's better to go back to Yecheng and ask the master for help. The task of guarding the city can be left to the two of us." Feng Ji said.

The judge showed dissatisfaction, how could he back down at this time?

"Without reinforcements, Guangzong can't last long." Feng Ji said.

In the end, the trial and evaluation agreed to this plan.

"I'll leave everything to the two gentlemen." Yuan Shang cupped his hands.

As for whether he could invite reinforcements, Yuan Shang himself was not sure.

Because everything depends on Yuan Shao's intentions.

As for Yuan Shao, who was far away in Yecheng, because he was in a good mood recently, he drank a few sips of wine, feeling happy.

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