Until the return of Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi...

The two reported in detail without any concealment.

Yuan Shao threw the wine glass to the ground suddenly, with a "pop", the wine glass shattered on the ground.

How could this be?

Yuan Shao couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, the two sons had not achieved enough and failed.

Now, only Yuan Shang's Anping County is left!

Just when Yuan Shao felt a sliver of comfort, the guards suddenly reported that Yuan Shang had also returned.

This time Yuan Shao didn't make it through, and just passed out on the ground, unconscious.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Yuan Shaoyou woke up, his three sons were still by his side.

"God is going to kill my Yuan family!" Yuan Shao sighed.

"Father!" The three knelt down at the same time.

This time, Yuan Shao didn't blame them, but his eyes were full of disappointment.

Proceed step by step as agreed, don't fall for Dongyanghou's tricks.

But if you take the soldiers out, you let yourself go, and you don't even have basic vigilance.

Now that the matter has come to this, what can Yuan Shao say?

"Father, report from the front line that the Marquis of Dongyang has surrounded Guangzong, please send reinforcements!" Yuan Shang said.

"Reinforcements? Do you know how many troops there are in Yecheng?" Yuan Shao asked back.

"This..." Yuan Shang was not unclear, but Yuan Shao's tone seemed to have no intention of rescue.

Before the accident, Yecheng's military strength was around [-].

Yuan Xi brought out an army of [-], but only [-] returned. Yuan Tan brought out an army of [-], but returned only a few hundred.

In other words, the two brothers lost [-] people.

In addition to the [-] troops stationed by Guangzong, the current strength of Yecheng is less than [-].

Of course, if the Tadun army is included, the number will be doubled.

However, foreign races can be used, so they should not be trusted.

Therefore, the power in Yuan Shao's hands is running out.

Why send reinforcements?

The significance of sticking to Guangzong is to warn Yecheng, which has been done now.

No matter how many troops are sent out, they are just sending heads to Dongyanghou.

The resumption of the Yangzhou army's attack has already made Yuan Shao realize that nothing happened to Liu Ke.

Everything is calculated!

A conspiracy will cause Yuan Shao to lose hundreds of thousands of horses.

What a blow!

Yuan Shao was in so much pain that even the chance of a comeback was slim.

The most painful thing is the army that sticks to Guangzong.The reinforcements they were looking forward to did not arrive. Instead, the Yangzhou Army continued to increase their troops.

"My lord, I would like to be the vanguard and take down Guangzong with one effort," Lu Bu said.

"No hurry, now is not the time." Liu Ke said.

When Lu Bu wanted to say something else, Guo Jia stood up and explained on his behalf: "The lord is fishing, and he will not attack Guangzong. Let's see if Yuan Shao will send reinforcements."

"So that's the case, let them live a few more days," Lu Bu said.

Three days later, there was no movement in Ye City.

Liu Ke couldn't help admiring that Yuan Shao was so calm that he let Guangzong's [-] troops become victims.

Before attacking the city, Liu Ke decided to try to persuade the defenders to surrender.

In order to show his sincerity, he came to the city in person and said, "I am the Marquis of Dongyang, let your general speak out."

The defenders on the city wall whispered to each other and talked about each other, all telling each other about Liu Ke's deeds.

"What's the noise?" the judge frowned.

"My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang is shouting from the city!" A corporal replied.

The judge's face was serious, and when he poked his head down, he saw the handsome Liu Ke.

"Marquis Dongyang, if you don't attack the city, why don't you come here to reminisce about the old days?"

"Isn't it good to reminisce about the past? Why bother to fight and kill as soon as we meet." Liu Ke asked rhetorically.

The examiner smiled and said, "Isn't the Marquis of Dongyang here to surrender? You came to the wrong place!"

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