Of course Liu Ke knew that he could not impress the defenders with just a few words, so he asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

"I forgot to introduce. A certain person is Shen Zhengnan, just a small person. I'm afraid the Marquis of Dongyang has never heard of it." Shen Pei said.

"If Shen Gong is a small person, I am afraid no one in Hebei can be called a celebrity." Liu Ke said.

The trial match couldn't help showing a smile. He admired Liu Ke very much.How much admiration is there? A villain reported on the judge, saying that he would go south to seek refuge with Liu Ke.

Yuan Shao actually believed it, if not for Feng Ji's good words, I'm afraid the trial and match would be over.

Therefore, the judge was very happy to get Liu Ke's approval, but he did not forget his duty.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is here, why?"

"Persuade to surrender!" Liu Ke said bluntly.

"Everyone says Dongyang Marquis is bold, but looking at it now, he really deserves his reputation. Why should I surrender?" said the examiner.

The battle hasn't been fought yet!

Liu Ke was not in a hurry, and said slowly: "I used Guangzong as a bait, but I didn't expect Yuan Shao to be fooled, and no reinforcements were sent."

The audition was unavoidable, but he still said:

"The lord is wise and mighty, of course he has seen through your plot."

"Without reinforcements, how long do you think you can last in the face of an attack of [-] troops?" Liu Ke said.

The audition was silent, half a month?Maybe less than seven days.

"One month! I will stick to Guangzong for one month!" the judge said loudly.

"Okay, since the judge is so confident, then I'm not polite." Liu Ke said.

The judge's heart tightened, for fear that Liu Ke would say the words of massacring the city, but in the next second, Liu Ke changed his tone and said:

"As long as everyone in Guangzong surrenders, our army will not set foot in Wei County for two months. Judge Shen won't have to waste the lives of his subordinates, and can gain two months. What do you think?"

The reviewers couldn't help applauding!

Dongyanghou is not only brave in battle, but also knowledgeable and versatile.

Since the start of the war in Yangzhou to the present, I don't know how many strategies have been used, and the allied forces have also fallen apart.

The think tank that can control Yangzhou is probably only a hero like Dongyanghou!

The judge was moved, but he couldn't just think about himself, it was impossible for him to make a decision on his own.

He couldn't help looking at Feng Ji who was on the side.

After hearing that the Marquis of Dongyang came to the city to persuade him to surrender, how could Feng Ji not be there.

At this moment, Feng Ji sighed and said: "My lord treats us well, we can't let the Yuan family down!"

The trial match is a staunch person, and after listening to the advice of friends, he finally made a decision.

"We appreciate the kindness of Marquis Dongyang. We have different ideas, so we should rely on our ability to speak."

Regarding this, Liu Ke couldn't say anything. The two-month promise had already delayed the progress of the Yangzhou Army.

Of course, Liu Ke can still propose more generous conditions, but is it really worth it?

Everyone has their own value, and Liu Ke appreciates the review, but the concept of friend and foe is still clear.

"My lord, this man doesn't know how to flatter. In my opinion, the city wall gave him courage. When we attack the city wall, this man will be honest." Lu Bu said.

Lu Bu couldn't hold back his desire to attack the city.

"What's the hurry, there are plenty of opportunities." Liu Ke said.

The firmness of the trial made Liu Ke realize that although Jizhou is weak, it has never lacked warriors.

This also confirms the nature of the Han people. When there are no foreign enemies, they will fight to the death. Once the foreign enemies come, they will unite as one.

In Jizhou's view, Liu Ke is an outsider.

In order to appease Jizhou, Liu Ke specially ordered Zhen Yao to go north.

Because what Liu Ke needs to consider now is not how to capture Jizhou, but how to rule after winning Jizhou.

As one of the representatives of the gentry in Hebei, the Zhen family still has connections.

Coincidentally, Zhen Mi is Liu Ke's concubine. With this relationship, Liu Ke believes that it will not be difficult to integrate into Jizhou.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Since the judge chose to fight to the end, Liu Ke didn't intend to be merciful.

On the first day, Lu Bu led the siege team and began to attack the city.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst the fierce drumming, the Yangzhou army launched a violent siege.

For a long time, Liu Ke has almost never fought more battles, not because he is arrogant, but because he has considered many factors.

One of them is that the troops are small, flexible, and easy to mobilize.

Moreover, Liu Ke is best at surprise attacks, and of course it is impossible to mobilize a large number of troops in surprise attacks.

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