The city of Ye was originally adjacent to the river, so the place to be excavated was close to the Yangzhou army barracks.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the attack of Tadun, so the action must be fast.

For the well-trained Yangzhou army, it is not difficult.

Tadun's soldiers and horses were stationed ten miles away from Yecheng. As long as they cut off their connection with Yecheng, their reaction would definitely be delayed.

Just do it!

Liu Ke sent Zhang He and Tai Shici to lead the cavalry to encircle and suppress the enemy's scouts, especially the front line from Yecheng to Tadun barracks.

Yecheng directly shrunk its defenses, regardless, because after all, there were not many cavalry in the city.

As for Tadun, he resisted a few times, but was always taught by Tai Shici and Zhang Xi to be a man.

In order to stop the loss, he was also honest.

That night, Liu Ke dispatched [-] troops to dig the river, and [-] soldiers to keep watch.

Of course, this incident alarmed Yecheng, but they dared not take any action due to the black lights.

"What is Marquis Dongyang doing?" Yuan Shao stood on the city wall and looked from a distance, but he could only vaguely see some lights.

"My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang is digging a ditch." Guo Tu said, he came here first, and after paying the lives of some scouts, he found out the first-hand news.

"Dig the ravine? Is there any deep meaning in it?" Yuan Shao was puzzled.

"My lord, I see that the Marquis of Dongyang will dispatch no fewer than [-] troops. Can we move ahead?" Guo Tu suggested.

Yuan Shao's eyes became fiery in an instant, if he could easily eliminate one-third of Dongyanghou's troops.

That would be really cool!

Jizhou may not have no chance.

"Okay!" Yuan Shao agreed without hesitation.

So Guo Tu sent five thousand troops to dig the embankment.

However, as soon as he left the city gate, he was detected by the scouts of the Yangzhou Army.

Zhao Yun was not polite to them either, taking advantage of the darkness, he directly attacked the army.

"No, I was discovered!" Guo Tu was shocked and crawled back to the city.

As for the five thousand soldiers and horses, they were naturally given to Zhao Yun.

In just half an hour, five thousand soldiers and horses died and surrendered.

Guo Tu did nothing.

"Sure enough, Marquis Dongyang just doesn't give him a chance." Yuan Shao sighed.

"My lord, if our army sets out again, we will be able to catch everyone by surprise." Tian Feng suggested.

Yuan Shao's eyes lit up, Guo Tu could only lead his army to attack again.

However, this set was left by Liu Ke. As Liu Ke's most trusted general, how could Zhao Yun be unprepared?

Once again, Guo Tu was defeated and fled.

"Thank you Yuan Jizhou's head!"

Zhao Yun ordered people to taunt under the city, very naughty.

Yuan Shao gritted his teeth with hatred, but finally held back and did not go out to fight.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Yuan Shao stood on the city wall all night, afraid that Liu Ke would suddenly enter the city.

This premonition is very strong.

But Liu Ke really didn't mean that.

The army was still digging the river, almost circling Yecheng.

"Did there be any movement?" Liu Ke asked.

"Report to my lord, no." Guo Jia said.

Now Liu Ke is finally relieved, the biggest threat now is not Yuan Shaojun in the city, but Tadun.

If Ta Dun really goes to battle, I'm afraid Liu Ke will be in a hurry for a while.

Fortunately, Ta Dun didn't seem to want to fight at night.

Therefore, the excavation work went smoothly, and when it was daylight, the river channel had been excavated.

Ten meters wide and about three meters deep.

In just one night, the Yangzhou Army completed the project.

"Let Lu Bu set out to see if he can attract Ta Dun, if not, just break the embankment," Liu Ke said.

Even if it can't be flooded, it can still complete the siege of Yecheng. For Liu Ke, it is a sure profit without loss.

The reason why Liu Ke was so eager was because he was afraid that Yuan Shao would make a mistake, so he filled in the gap.

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