Use it before Yuan Shao reacts.

In fact, Liu Ke's worries are unnecessary.

Because Guo Tu said something.

"I'm afraid the Marquis of Dongyang also wants to use the Zhang River to attack Yecheng!"

Yuan Shao was extremely astonished. In this way, Zhao Yun's actions last night could be explained.

How could the Marquis of Dongyang do this? There are still half a million people in Yecheng!

Chapter six hundred and tenth water flooded

"The Marquis of Dongyang is insane, and he will do whatever it takes to win. I didn't expect him to be such a person." Yuan Shao couldn't believe it.

The Autumn Hunting Agreement is simply a joke.

"My lord, we can't sit still." Gao Lan said eagerly.

"Breakthrough? Can you outrun the Yangzhou cavalry?" Yuan Shao said in despair.

Gao Lan was stunned. He still had some courage in marching and fighting, but when it came to planning, he still felt inferior.

"Master, the situation is not so bad." Tian Feng said.

"How do you say that?" Yuan Shao asked.

"The Marquis of Dongyang dug the ravine overnight just to drain the water," Tian Feng said.

After Tian Feng's reminder, everyone came to their senses.

"My lord, we can't let Marquis Dongyang fulfill his wish. Please give me a soldier to fill up this ditch." Gao Lan said.

"Are you out of your mind? If you fill in the ditch, wouldn't Yecheng be in danger?" Yuan Shao scolded.

Gao Lan silently stepped aside.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is probably trying to use these ravines to besiege the city so that our army cannot get out." Tian Feng said bluntly.

Gao Lan wanted to say something else, but was afraid of saying the wrong thing, so he shut up, thinking: Then we should break through!

Yuan Shao seemed to have seen through Gao Lan's thoughts, and said, "Oh, without Yecheng, we can't resist the Marquis of Dongyang. Let's siege the city. Anyway, there is still a year's worth of food in the city. I don't believe it. In a year, nothing will happen. .”

The existence of ravines is also beneficial to Yecheng.

Therefore, Yuan Shao will not act lightly and fill in the gap.

The city of Ye was temporarily calm, but outside the city began to turbulent.

Lu Bu was ordered to go to Ta Dun's barracks to provoke him, but Ta Dun couldn't breathe, so he sent three fierce generals to challenge Lu Bu, but they were all beheaded by their horses.

Ta Dun's hatred soared, but he didn't fight easily.Tadun was just Minister Gu Ming named by Qiu Liju, and his binding force on the Three Kings was limited.

If the victory cannot be guaranteed, Tadun will not fight again, otherwise it will damage the prestige.

As for the impact of Lu Bu's provocation, the solution is simple.

If you are strong, send someone up!

The three kings were silent.

Lu Bu was also very depressed. He didn't expect Wuhuan, who was simple-minded, to be so tolerant.

"Are all Wuhuan cowards? When the lord decides Jizhou, he must go to the grasslands and liquidate your tribes one by one," Lu Bu shouted.

Tadun's veins burst out, and he beat a few slaves to vent his anger.

"Is this our new Shanyu's ability?" Nanlou sarcastically asked.

Ta Dun snorted coldly, and said: "Small intolerance will lead to chaos and big plans. Yecheng has never sent troops, so there is no way for us to be the first birds. If you want, you can send troops, and you don't have to report to me."

Nanlou is just talking, how could it be possible to send troops to attack Tadun's prestige?

Wuhuan did not send troops, and Lu Bu had nothing to do. After scolding all morning, he went back to the camp to report to Liu Ke.

"Last lesson taught Wuhuan people to be smart," Liu Ke said.

"Since they have become smarter, we will use smarter strategies to deal with them." Guo Jia said.

Guo Jiaxin had a good strategy at his fingertips.

As soon as Lu Bu finished his report, Guo Jia came up with a solution, which Yuan Shao's counselors were unable to do.

"Don't be a fool in Feng Xiao." Liu Ke urged.

"Pretend to be Yuan Shao's envoy and let Tadun go out to fight." Guo Jia said.

Tadun will not fight alone, what if it is a joint battle?

"I'm afraid this matter will not be so easy. There must be Yuan Shao's cronies in Tadun's army." Liu Ke said.

"Unfortunately, Yuan Shang has always been Wuhuan's contact person. He was greedy for life and afraid of death. After returning to Yecheng, he never came out." Guo Jia said.

In this situation, what else can I say besides saying that God helped me?

This is not the first time the Yangzhou Army has made fake seals. Even ordinary officials can't tell the authenticity, let alone the Wuhuan people.

"Who is the envoy?" Liu Ke said, he has a lot of talents under his command, but not many people know about Yuan Shaojun's situation.

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