It is definitely not acceptable to Liu Ke.

As the front-line commander, Zhao Yun tricked the defenders into a few waves of arrow rain, and they learned to be good.

The Yangzhou army did not approach the city wall for fifty steps, and resolutely refused to shoot arrows.

The situation was so deadlocked.

"To attack such a fortified city, I'm afraid we need to dig tunnels," Guo Jia said.

While watching the siege, everyone looked for flaws.

Unfortunately there is nothing available.

"Digging tunnels can't transport too many troops. In a battle of hundreds of thousands of people, hundreds of people sneak into the city and can't do anything." Liu Ke said.

Moreover, how could Yuan Shao not guard against this.

Therefore, Liu Ke made a strategic policy to eliminate the alien cavalry and surround Yecheng.

Without the help of foreign cavalry, Yecheng would become a truly isolated city.

Since ancient times, isolated cities have been relatively easy to capture.

"My lord, good news has arrived!" Pang Tong rushed to report.

It turned out that the alien cavalry who couldn't shrink back were dispatched.

Hundreds of thousands of cavalry rushed together, rushing here, shaking the world.

"Okay, stand up the antlers, and form a formation of vehicles." Liu Ke said.

For the cavalry assault, the Yangzhou Army has several ways to deal with it.

One of them is the heavy armored spearmen. If the light cavalry dare to come, they will never come back.

The second type is the ballista car array. The vehicles transport luggage in normal times. In wartime, as long as they are arranged properly, they are a solid city wall, not to mention there are ballistas on it to fight back.

As for the antler trench, it is the most primitive method.

What Liu Ke had to do was not to fight to the death with the alien cavalry, but to drive them to the designated depression.

The antler ditch is a fixed position to resist the Wuhuan cavalry from the front, and the chariot formation is to prevent the Wuhuan cavalry from turning around.

As for the heavy armored pikemen, they are responsible for "guiding" the Wuhuan cavalry.The Yangzhou cavalry cut off the retreat of the Wuhuan cavalry.

Liu Ke had already arranged everything and was waiting for the Wuhuan cavalry to enter the field.

Taton did not disappoint.

Blowing the loudest horn, a death charge was launched to the position of the Yangzhou Army.

"Revenge for the old Shanyu!"

It was just a simple slogan that made the Wuhuan cavalry go crazy and fearless of death.

In order to lure Ta Dun to attack, Liu Ke only brought [-] troops to attack the city.

After all, you can't call an army of [-] for everything. Wouldn't it be exhausting, and Liu Ke would find it difficult to command.

Because of this, Tadun had the courage.Otherwise, with his strength, he would never dare to attack the [-]-strong army.

Antler trenches, paired with archers, taught Taton a real lesson.

The momentum had just started, but it stopped abruptly.

Afterwards, the phalanx of heavily armored pikemen on the flank moved and approached the Wuhuan cavalry.

And Tai Shici, who also led the cavalry, cut off the retreat of the Wuhuan cavalry.

"No, it's a trap!"

Ta Dun turned pale in an instant, and hastily made a decision to move closer to Yecheng and regroup.

"Why is Wuhuan here?" Yuan Shao asked in surprise.

It's true that Wuhuan is warlike, but he won't stand up for Yecheng, right?

Before he yelled, he ran over in a hurry.

Yuan Shao didn't have time to be moved, Guo Tu yelled, "It's bad, the Marquis of Dongyang might flood Wuhuan!"

"What!" Yuan Shao couldn't believe his ears, but seeing the situation under the city, he was a fool if he didn't understand.

"Come on, hurry up and inform Wuhuan!" Yuan Shao said.

However, Yuan Shao's warning was already too late.

When Wuhuan retreated to the depression under Yecheng and began to regroup, Liu Ke lit the beacon.

This is the signal to dig a dike.

The Yangzhou army retreated like a tide.

This scene, I was dumbfounded.

"Haha! Although Marquis Dongyang was on guard, he knew that he was defeated by our army, so he ran away directly!" Tadun laughed loudly.

After all, this is a morale-boosting thing, and Tadun does it easily.

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