Who made Liu Ke retreat!

"Shan Yu is mighty!" A group of younger brothers chased after him.

"Should we pursue?" Nanlou asked weakly.

"We still have Yangzhou cavalry behind us, it's not wise to pursue them at this moment." Ta paused.

After a while, Ta Dun seemed to hear a roar and was startled.

Could it be a cavalry assault?

However, Ta Dun quickly denied this guess, because the sound of the horseshoe was not like this.

"Chan Yu, look!" A personal guard pointed at the flood that was pouring out.

Tadun was immediately stunned. There are rivers in the grasslands, but when did such floods occur?



Ta Dun yelled heart-piercingly, and at the same time galloped wildly.

The Wuhuan cavalry was in a mess.

Frightened faces froze instantly, dragged into the whirlpool by the roaring flood.Ta Dun, who was running in the front, felt his heart tighten. The rushing flood splashed in the depression, which made him dizzy for a while, and added worry and fear in his heart.


Suddenly, dozens of rows of antlers appeared in front of them. This was the blocking method arranged in advance by Tai Shici after he left.

Gritting his teeth, he galloped and jumped with his superb riding skills.

As for the others, Tadun didn't have the heart to care about them.

Fortunately, after the flood entered the depression, it flowed along the gullies dug by the Yangzhou Army, and the momentum gradually slowed down.

Wuhuan took advantage of this short gap to escape.

However, Tadun still lost half of his troops.

After arriving at the safe zone, Tadun watched the torrential flood and remained silent.

"Chanyu, help!"

Many people were still shouting and struggling in the water.

Just as Ta Dun was about to rescue, suddenly, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance.

It was the Yangzhou iron cavalry who had previously escaped the flood, and they launched the charge.

"Retreat!" Ta Dun said decisively, his morale was low now, and he was no match for the Yangzhou iron cavalry.

Tai Shici took advantage of the situation to cover up the attack and drove the Wuhuan cavalry into the water.

"Catch it alive!"

Yangzhou cavalry shouted slogans.

Tadun ran wildly like a frightened bird. In the end, only [-] people escaped.

However, Tai Shici refused to let go, and continued to pursue, not giving Tadun a chance to breathe.

Ta Dun didn't dare to go back to the barracks, and ran straight out of Wei County.

Tai Shici chased Wei Jun out.

Ta Dun ran out of Jizhou.

Tai Shici chased him out of Jizhou.

Ta Dun fled to Youbeiping County, Youzhou, where Tai Shici expelled him from Youbeiping.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As soon as the Zhangshui rushed, Liu Ke completed the siege of Yecheng without any effort.

Despair is spreading.

Especially when the Wuhuan cavalry was almost wiped out, the shock given to the defenders definitely wouldn't dissipate in a day or two.

Yuan Shao also knew this, so he frequently appeared in front of the soldiers, wanting to comfort them.

Unfortunately, the effect is not great.

Yuan Shao's strength continued to decline.

Since the start of the war, Yan Liangwen Chou was damaged, and then continued to decline.

One defeat after another, until now a total defeat.

Yuan Shao seemed to have experienced a horrible nightmare, often waking up at night.

In the dream, countless Yangzhou soldiers climbed up the city wall, cutting Yuan Shao's flesh one by one, as if they were Ling Chi.

Even Yuan Shao couldn't bear such pressure, let alone ordinary soldiers?

To be handsome, the psychological quality must be strong, and Yuan Shao has achieved this.

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