No matter how much he lost, he pretended not to care, and only cried silently at night.

The soldiers of Jizhou were tired, and they didn't want to fight any more, but Yuan Shao would not just give up, and he would not admit defeat until the last moment.

"How much food is there in the city?" Yuan Shao asked.

"The food in the city is sufficient, enough for us to eat for a year." Guo Tu said.

There is a lot of grain for a year.

"Speaking of which, it is due to Dongyang Hou that we have so much food." Yuan Shao laughed at himself.

Yangzhou expanded grain production, and the whole country benefited.

At the beginning, the food in Jizhou was in the hands of the gentry. Later, Tian Feng came forward and persuaded everyone to sell it at a low price, so that Yuan Shaojun's food became sufficient.

"Where is the water source?" Yuan Shao asked.

"My lord, the water source is also sufficient. The Marquis of Dongyang dare not risk the displeasure of the world by poisoning the water." Guo Tu said.

After all, there are not only troops in the city, but also innocent people.

The most important thing for the army to stick to it is food and water.

After hearing Guo Tu's words, Yuan Shao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Persistence is victory.

Suddenly, Yuan Shao remembered something and said, "Where is Chai Xin?"

Firewood is indispensable for cooking, and under normal circumstances, there is no shortage. After all, it is enough to cut down some trees casually.

However, now that Yecheng is besieged, the Yangzhou army will not easily let them go out of the city to cut down.

"Less than half a month." Guo Tu said.

Yuan Shao's face suddenly darkened, and he said, "Why don't you prepare more?"

"My lord, I won a big victory some time ago, and I was busy regaining the lost ground, so I thought it would be useless." Guo Tu said.

"Don't make excuses!" Yuan Shao roared.

Guo Tu was trembling and dared not answer.

Yuan Shao also knew that he had made things difficult for others, but it was impossible to pull him down and apologize.

Fortunately, Guo Tu is a good person. He opened the topic and said, "My lord, you can demolish the houses. It's not a problem to persist for a month. After a few days, when the Yangzhou army's blockade is loosened, then send people out of the city to cut down."

Yuan Shao nodded, agreeing to the proposal.

Now that there are [-] people gathered in Yecheng, it is impossible to cover everything.

Guo Tu also sent people to post notices in the city, telling the people not to abuse firewood, or they would starve to death.

Not only that, big families were also affected, Guo Tu strictly ordered not to boil water for bathing, etc.

This move made people in Yecheng panic.

When did firewood become so valuable?

However, a series of measures are indeed beneficial to Yecheng's defense.

As for the last year or so, Liu Ke certainly wouldn't delay it for such a long time. Now it's just putting pressure on Yecheng.

When Liu Ke was discussing how to attack Yecheng, a "guest" came to the barracks.

It is better to say that it is a prisoner than a guest.

This person was Xu You who went to Chang'an to ask Cao Cao for help. He was caught by scouts because of his sneakiness.

"If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!" Xu You said firmly.

"Then kill it." Liu Ke said casually.

Xu You's face froze, the script was wrong!He had heard of Dongyang Hou Aicai a long time ago, so he said such heroic words.

Unfortunately, Liu Ke has already seen through.

"Wait! Marquis Dongyang, I have something to say!" Xu You said.

"Say." Liu Ke said impatiently.

"My lord sent me to Chang'an to ask for reinforcements, but Cao Cao refused." Xu You said.

Liu Ke smiled slightly and said, "What does this have to do with me, Yangzhou?"

Xu You was extremely embarrassed. He thought Dongyanghou would let him go if he told the secret, but he didn't expect Dongyanghou to be relentless.

"I am willing to seek refuge with the Marquis of Dongyang!" Xu You said.

Liu Ke fell into deep thought. Xu You is Yuan Shao's important adviser. If he is willing to join him, it will have a non-negligible effect on the morale of Yuan Shao's army.

However, Xu You's behavior displeased him.

In fact, Xu You was also helpless, because he issued a military order and must invite reinforcements, but Cao Cao was too shameless.

There was no other way, Xu You had no choice but to go back to Yecheng. Unexpectedly, something happened as soon as he came back, and he was discovered by scouts.

Xu You surrendered directly in order to avoid suffering from flesh and blood.

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