After all, he is also a smart man.

However, after seeing Liu Ke's expression, Xu You's heart pounded. Knowing that this level would be difficult to pass, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Dongyanghou, please give me a chance. If I bring back the news that Cao Cao refused to rescue, Yecheng will definitely be in chaos."

"Hmph, I'm afraid you want the golden cicada to escape its shell?" Dian Wei sneered.

"Yecheng can no longer be defended, why should I lie to Marquis Dongyang?" Xu You asked back, looking at Liu Ke at the same time.

Anyway, killing Xu You is of no use to Liu Ke, so it is better to let him try.

So Liu Ke agreed to Xu You's proposal.

"Go back and tell Yuan Shao to surrender as soon as possible."

"Xie Dongyanghou!" Xu You left in a hurry.

After returning to Yecheng, Xu You deliberately spread the news that Cao Cao refused to reinforce the army.

Yuan Shao was furious and said, "What are you doing back here!"

Xu You cried, "Live and die with Yecheng."

One sentence softened Yuan Shao's heart and pardoned Xu You's guilt.

After all, Xu You has followed Yuan Shao for many years, how could he not have any feelings for him.Moreover, Xu You's loyalty is very important at this time.

This made Yuan Shao feel that he was not alone, so he ignored some suspicious things.

Simpi originally wanted to get Yuan Shao to kill Xu You because of this incident.However, at this time he thought of a question, how did Xu You come back?

Yuan Shao believed Xu You's nonsense, but Xin Pi did not believe it.

Reminiscent of Xu You's previous behavior, Xin Pi quickly figured it out.

Xu You was acting. He must have been captured by the Yangzhou army, but Dongyang Hou let him go.

Simpi smiled meaningfully, and Xu You happened to see this smile, and his hair stood on end.

Xin Pi couldn't help feeling that people in Yecheng were panicked!

Everyone is looking for a way out for themselves.

To the aristocratic family, Yuan Shao is just an excellent master, whoever has milk is a mother. Now Yuan Shao is useless, and family continuity is more important.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su You has been war-weary for a long time!

He is not a very famous general, in Jizhou, he is regarded as the middle class.

The reason why Yangzhou neiying came to him was because of Shen Rong's recommendation.

Su You used to be the deputy general of the examination and distribution, and had a good relationship with Shen Rong.

When he learned that Liu Ke was recruiting, Su You had the idea of ​​seeking refuge.

For this reason, he summoned three hundred personal guards, preparing to attack the defenders at night and open the city gate.

However, Su You's subordinates betrayed him and notified Yuan Shao, resulting in the failure of the plan.

In desperation, Su You used ropes to hang from the city wall, becoming the first general to escape from Ye City.

Liu Ke held a simple welcome ceremony, which moved Su You very much.

The next day, Su You shouted from the city.

"Everyone, the Marquis of Dongyang promises that as long as he surrenders, he will not die."

"The Marquis of Dongyang has always been benevolent, why are you still hesitating?"


People in Yecheng are floating.

Yuan Shao was so angry that his teeth itched, he wanted to draw his sword and kill Su You, but he couldn't even leave the city.

"Come here, put down the rope ladder, whoever wants to leave, leave on their own!"

Yuan Shao said an angry word, then flung his sleeves and left.

However, no one takes it seriously.

Xinpi didn't dare to act rashly, after all, the whole family was still in the city, if he dared to stand out, Yuan Shao dared to kill his whole family.

That night, Su You's friend Feng Li fled outside the city, and Liu Ke also accepted it.

Although these people who have come here are not enough to be reused, Liu will not reject them.

In this day and age, some rules still have to be followed.

After all, those who can always keep their integrity are saints.

In this way, some people escaped from Yecheng one after another. On the surface, Yecheng was calm, but undercurrents were turbulent.

Yuan Shao seemed to want to run away when he saw everyone.

This kind of look makes people very uncomfortable, but there is nothing they can do.

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