Of course, to Yuan Shao, this blow was nothing more than pediatrics.

Among them, Xu You is the most at ease, and his steps are different from others.

Because he came back from outside the city, how could he run away?

"They are all timid people. Even if they don't leave, they will delay the important event of the lord." Xu Youlang said, as if he had done something great, arrogant.

However, no one came forward to refute.

Those with insufficient status dare not speak up, and those with sufficient status do not want to lower their wits.

Everyone is well aware of the current situation in Yecheng.

"My lord, this matter must be contained, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Tian Feng suggested, revealing decisiveness in his tone.

"How to contain it?" Yuan Shao asked.

"Sit even!" Tian Feng said without blinking his eyes.

Simple two words, but full of viciousness.

When one person breaks the law, the whole family is guilty.If one escaped, the whole battalion was punished.

In this way, let the subordinates supervise each other.

Yuan Shao shook his head, not because the method was vicious, but because the plan didn't last long.

If you stick to it for a month, this approach does work.

But what about a year and a half?

It's an eyesore.

Morale collapse is definitely not a good thing.

"It's enough to strengthen the patrol of the city wall." Yuan Shao said wearily.

"My lord is wise!" Xu You said.

wise?Not so much.

Yuan Shao laughed at himself.

Now, it is not far away from the betrayal of relatives.

"My lord, this subordinate will definitely be by your side!" Xu You said firmly.

"Ziyuan, you are the most reassuring to me." Yuan Shaodao, "It's just that if you continue to wait, the situation will only get worse. Do you have any solutions?"

The easiest way is to defeat Dongyang Hou and give everyone confidence.

Unfortunately, Yuan Shao couldn't do it.

"My lord, there are too many people in Yecheng." Tian Feng said.

Yuan Shao's pupils shrank, he didn't intend to start with the common people, he nodded to signal Tian Feng to continue talking.

"There are too many people in Yecheng, and the materials in the city are consumed too quickly. My lord, we can let the people out of the city." Tian Feng said.

"Let the people out of the city?" Yuan Shao repeated doubtfully.

"Yes!" Tian Feng said, "Reducing material consumption is only one of the reasons, and it can also conform to the people's will. Since they all want to join Dongyanghou, then let them go. The lord will leave a good reputation as the capital to turn things around."

When Yuan Shao thought about it, he understood Tian Feng's intention.

What Tian Feng said next strengthened Yuan Shao's determination.

"People can leave the city voluntarily, but in exchange, they can't take anything out."

That is to say, the supplies of the common people will be left behind and left empty-handed, and the Marquis of Dongyang must devote all his energy to taking care of these common people.

Get more in one fell swoop.

"My lord can also send an elite group to infiltrate the common people and take the opportunity to disrupt the order." Tian Feng said.

Next, Tian Feng added a few more points, which touched Yuan Shao's heart.

As long as Liu Ke can bring trouble, Yuan Shao is willing to do it.

Therefore, Yuan Shao posted a notice in the city, listing the regulations on it.

After seeing it, the people of Yecheng burst into cheers.Being able to leave here is what they wished for.

Everyone signed up one after another, and the number quickly exceeded [-].

Some people are worried about their wealth and are hesitant.

Of course, some people were moved by Yuan Shao's sincerity and were willing to stay and "coexist and die" with Yuan Shao.

Tian Feng selected these loyal civilians and walked around the barracks.

The morale of the army has temporarily stabilized.

Yuan Shao was overjoyed and became more dependent on Tian Feng.

After the registration was over, Yuan Shao wrote a letter and sent it to the Yangzhou military camp.

Liu Ke opened it and was very surprised.

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