The people of Yecheng suffered from the war and did not want to be frightened.

Yuan Shao fulfilled the wishes of the people, sent them out of the city, and asked Liu Ke to take care of them.

However, is it really that simple?

For a character of Yuan Shao's level, every move has a deep meaning.

"I'm afraid Yuan Shao wants to create some trouble for the lord." Guo Jia said.

"What's the trouble?" Dian Wei asked.

"Hundreds of thousands of people are the biggest trouble." Guo Jia said.

"Not only that, but Yuan Shao's sending some of the people showed his determination and vowed not to surrender." Zhuge Liang said.

"Using this method to stabilize the morale of the army, Yuan Benchu ​​is really unique." Liu Ke said.

"Then this gentleman's covenant..."

"Promise him!"

Liu Ke said sonorously and forcefully.

Isn't it just some common people?

It's hard to beat Liu Ke.

While the people were out of the city, Liu Ke promised not to attack the city, so he wrote back to Yuan Shao.

At the same time, Yuan Shao was warned in the letter not to do anything to the common people, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

A sentence was added at the end: History is written by the victors.

After Yuan Shao saw this sentence, his eyelids jumped, he was threatened!

"The Marquis of Dongyang is not a corrupt person, so threatening him with the common people will not work at all." Yuan Shao sighed, although he did not intend to do so.

"History is written by the victors..." Tian Feng recited this sentence silently, feeling that Liu Ke was really crazy.

However, Liu Ke does have the capital to be crazy.

"Is the sabotage operation cancelled?" Tian Feng asked.

"No, continue." Yuan Shao said.

Finally, there is an opportunity to add trouble to Liu Ke, Yuan Shao will not give up.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The gates of Yecheng were opened, and the people rushed out.

Yuan Shao stared blankly at the scene in front of him, not knowing whether to be happy or regretful.

Once upon a time, Jizhou also promoted his reputation of loving the people like a son.

However, now these common people would rather abandon their wealth than defect to Dongyanghou, which made Yuan Shao sigh.

What's so good about Dongyanghou?

Is it not enough to feed and clothe you?

Yuan Shao felt that he had done enough, but unfortunately, these foolish people did not understand his good intentions at all.

"Master, as long as you persevere, everything will recover." Tian Feng said.

"That's right, how could I not be as good as Liu Dingfang when I have been running Jizhou for so many years?!" Yuan Shao said firmly.

That's the only way to give him some comfort.

"My lord, my subordinates have arranged for three thousand soldiers to mix in with the common people and wait for the opportunity." Gao Lan said.

There were [-] people out of the city, and it was not difficult for [-] soldiers to hide.

"Very good, let's see how the Marquis of Dongyang will embarrass himself." Yuan Shao sneered.

Then Tian Feng whispered a few words in Yuan Shao's ear, and Yuan Shao nodded his head.

"It's just that Marquis Dongyang's martial arts skills are superb, so it's very difficult to attack him successfully?" Yuan Shao asked doubtfully.

"Although the chance of success is small, it is not impossible. Once we succeed, it will be the moment for us to come back. Moreover, even if we fail, it doesn't matter. How can he distinguish between [-] people if he can drive a wedge between the Marquis of Dongyang and the people?" Tian Feng said.

Yuan Shao thought it was reasonable, and quickly asked Gao Lan to arrange for "dead men", that is, some women and old men, to be responsible for the assassination.

In the city, Yuan Shao still has a group of diehard loyalists.

After Gao Lan shouted a few slogans, he attracted a group of people who were willing to die for Yuan Shao.

"Actually, you don't need to panic. Dongyang Hou usually doesn't slaughter people, so it doesn't matter if you fail." Gao Lan said flickeringly.

"Willing to serve Master Yuan Shao!" More than a dozen women and old men said in unison.

Most of them are members of the military, and their husbands or sons died in battle.

No matter what the reason is, Liu Ke can't get rid of the relationship.

So, as soon as Gao Lan told them, they took the initiative to sign up.

As a result, the team going out of the city seemed to be in danger.

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