Liu Ke looked at the team from a distance and said, "Yuan Shao will not let it go."

"My lord, what do you mean that Yuan Shao used the common people to make a fuss?" Guo Jia said.

With so many people leaving the city, who has the time to control what you do.

"It's possible. Judging by the situation, it's too easy for some spies of Yuan Shaojun to mix in with the common people," Liu Ke said.

Now Guo Jia also has a headache.

Yuan Shao is really worry-free!

Of course, the simplest solution is to refuse the people to leave the city.

It's a pity that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.It's too late to refuse now.

"It's not just troublesome spies. Look at Fengxiao, the common people are empty-handed. This is not normal at all." Liu Ke said.

"Yuan Benchu ​​actually didn't allow the people to carry their luggage out of the city. What's the difference between this and blatant plundering?" Guo Jia said.

"There is still a difference. At the same time, it is a good thing to sell the common people. But we will be villains." Liu Ke said.

This is the cleverness of this plan.

Liu Ke had to admire it.

Even if Liu Ke uses the Qiushou agreement to talk about it, it is useless, after all, many people are voluntary.

Moreover, at the later stage of the war, the Qiushou agreement was more like a blank sheet of paper.

The current princes, in order to survive, can do anything.

What's the point of tearing up the agreement?

This is also one of the reasons why Liu Ke promised Yuan Shao to welcome the people out of the city.

Otherwise, once Yuan Shao went crazy, the [-] people in the city would suffer.

This year's princes are of poor quality.

"The battle of Jizhou should end sooner, otherwise we don't know what will happen." Liu Ke said.

Suddenly, a scout came in a hurry and said, "My lord, Yuan Shao invited you to have a conversation in the castle."

Liu Ke looked weird, there must be fraud here!

Isn't Yuan Shao afraid that Liu Ke will suddenly snatch the city gate?

How dare Liu Ke come forward.

Liu Ke pondered for a while, and immediately came up with the answer. I am afraid that the danger is hidden among these people.

Instead of being frightened, it is better to take the initiative to detonate it.

Liu Ke ordered the generals to be on strict alert, and then he rode his horse to the city.

Along the way, when the common people saw Liu Ke, they all looked sideways.

This is Dongyanghou?

Sure enough, handsome and unrestrained.

"Yuan Benchu, I heard that you want to see me, do you want to surrender?" Liu Ke shouted.

"Surrender is impossible to surrender, don't you understand Dongyang Hou?" Yuan Shao said, he winked quietly, Gao Ran understood, and went to arrange.

"That's why I let you linger for a while." Liu Ke said.

The corner of Yuan Shao's mouth twitched, you are so direct, you don't give any face!

Originally, Yuan Shao wanted to say some firm words to express his determination to resist to the end, but now he was directly discouraged before he started.

"Cao Cao abandoned you, and the Wuhuan cavalry fled in desperation. Apart from innocent people, what else do you rely on? That's all you, Yuan Benchu." Liu Ke mocked.

"Dongyanghou! I still have [-] soldiers under my command!" Yuan Shao suddenly said angrily, "Don't bully people too much!"

At this moment, the "common people" passing by suddenly attacked Liu Ke's guards.

"Dongyanghou, you who killed a thousand swords, pay back my son's life!" Seeing that there was no chance to get close to Liu Ke, an old man stabbed Liu Ke's bodyguard with a knife.

Liu Ke's personal guards have been on the battlefield for a long time, how could they be afraid of these common people with an inch of iron?

It flew away with one kick.

Liu Ke is only good to good people!

As for some people with evil intentions, Liu Ke has no time to reason with them.

"Beat someone, beat someone! The Marquis of Dongyang beat someone!"

The old man shouted loudly, this is his only weapon at the moment.

Immediately afterwards, among the common people, a group of strong men rushed out to uphold justice for the old man, spitting all over the place.

This is not an ordinary young man, he is clearly an elite in the army!

Liu Ke drew his sword and beheaded several people on the spot. His personal guards rushed out and subdued more than a dozen people.

"The Marquis of Dongyang killed someone!"

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