There was panic in the ranks of the people.

The Yangzhou army took action one after another to deal with those who deliberately disturbed the hearts of the people.

Yuan Shao's ambushes also started to counterattack.

The Yangzhou army killed thousands of people on the spot!

This bloody scene shocked everyone.

Because, this is not a battle between the two armies. In the eyes of ordinary people, the Yangzhou army is slaughtering the people.

However, Liu Ke was not in a hurry to explain, and said to Yuan Shao: "Yuan Benchu, that's all you have!"

Yuan Shao shook his sleeves and left straight away.

The reason why Liu Ke killed people in public was to show Yuan Shao!

Don't use the common people as a shield, Liu Ke never accepts this!

When Liu Ke decided to take over the world, he no longer cared about fame or notoriety.

What's more, this is Yuan Shao playing tricks from it.

Therefore, in the face of the "common people" attack, Liu Ke gave the most intense response.

Since you want to make fun of your own lives, I will fulfill you!

A turmoil stopped in the killing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke left the work of appeasing the people to Zhuge Liang.

Very free and easy.

Zhuge Liang sighed and accepted silently.

This is how counselors are used, otherwise Liu Ke wouldn't need to support them.

Zhuge Liang is very good at government affairs, and Liu Ke can rest assured that this matter is entrusted to him.

In fact, Zhuge Liang's solution is very simple.

Didn't Yuan Shao let the people leave the city empty-handed?

Zhuge Liang asked them to line up to receive the food, and specially selected some eloquent, good-tempered, and enthusiastic soldiers to take charge.

As the so-called lack of manpower, under Zhuge Liang's repeated influence, the people gradually believed in the fact that those people were all spies of Yuan Shaojun.

Dongyang Hou is just killing rape.

The people are not fools, and when they reacted, they did find the problem, because they didn't know the people who caused the chaos!

Occasionally there are a few familiar faces who are also soldiers.

They pretended to be ordinary people and sneaked out of the city, what else could they do?

Attack Dongyanghou!

Under Zhuge Liang's appeasement, the people stabilized without any adverse effects.

In Yecheng, Yuan Shao was furious.

Who said that Marquis Dongyang loved the people like a son and would not harm the people?

They are all liars!

Today, three thousand soldiers have been lost in vain.

In normal times, Yuan Shao might not care about it, but now, loyalty is the most precious thing!

These three thousand people were all carefully selected by Gao Lan. After leaving the city, none of them rebelled, and all of them died in battle.

Yuan Shao was saddened by the loss of three thousand loyal subordinates.

"My lord, it's all the subordinate's fault, please punish me!" Tian Feng bowed.

"Yuan Hao, you are right, but none of us thought that the Marquis of Dongyang would be so ruthless." Yuan Shao sighed.

The means Liu Ke demonstrated showed his determination to destroy Jizhou.

No matter how Yuan Shao resisted, this point would not change.

So Yuan Shao was shocked and angry.

He did nothing wrong at all, why was he treated like this?

The culprit, Cao Mengde, is alive and well!

The more Yuan Shao thought about it, the more angry he became. However, the pride in his heart made him refuse to surrender.

"My lord, we can call on the princes of the world to denounce the Marquis of Dongyang!" Guo Tu said.

"Is it useful?" Yuan Shao asked back.

"It's a contract between gentlemen to leave the city for the people of Yecheng. The Marquis of Dongyang slaughtered [-] people for no reason, which is outrageous!" Guo Tu said.

Isn't it three thousand attackers?

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