How did it become [-] people?

However, Yuan Shao soon understood that this was to let the princes and the people understand the danger of Dongyanghou!

As for the quantity, it doesn't matter.

Just do it!

Yuan Shao drafted dozens of documents and sent people out of the city at night.

The Yangzhou general who was on duty that night was a Tibetan tyrant. When he discovered the movement, he immediately intercepted it.

In the end, only one-third of the Jizhou messengers successfully broke through the blockade.

When Tibetan Ba ​​seized the document, he was surprised when he saw it, and hurriedly reported it to Liu Ke.

"My lord, this Yuan Benchu ​​actually indiscriminately blackmailed you!" Zang Ba said angrily.

"Slaughter [-] people? Thankfully they can speak!" Dian Wei was equally indignant.

Liu Ke was very calm, and said: "It's just a dying struggle, don't worry about it."

"My lord, we have to guard against rumors!" Guo Jia said.

These days, powerful rumors are worth millions of troops.

"I rely on everyone here, the army under my command, and the people under my rule! As for the people and families in other places, you can think whatever you want. As long as we are united internally, I will be invincible." Liu Ke said sonorously and forcefully.

Everyone was grateful.

Liu Ke bought people's hearts a little bit.

Cao Cao was the first prince to receive Yuan Shao's letter, and he was terrified.

"Yuan Benchu ​​was forced to such a point that he could only yell twice."

During this time, Cao Cao experienced a change in Yuan Shao's attitude, from embarrassment at the beginning to anger, and then begging for help...

If Cao Cao hadn't acted decisively and sold Yuan Shao, I'm afraid Cao Cao's end at this moment would not be much better.

"Thirty thousand people? Yuan Benchu ​​isn't afraid to slip his tongue." Sima Lang sneered.

It is still possible for Dongyang Hou to accidentally injure dozens of people, but it is absolutely impossible for [-] people.

"My lord, you might as well criticize Yuan Benchu ​​for spreading rumors in exchange for General Le Jin." Sima Yi said.

Le Jin is still being imprisoned in the Xuzhou prison. It's not that Cao Cao doesn't want to rescue him, but now, he wants to be a transparent person and not be noticed, so he hasn't sent an envoy for a long time.

After waiting for so long, it is indeed time to redeem.

"Okay, Wen Qian suffered for me." Cao Cao suddenly became sad.

Therefore, Cao Cao issued an order in the name of Emperor Xian to clarify for Liu Ke.

In layman's terms, Yuan Shao, you mad dog, don't bite people!

When Yuan Shao learned of Cao Cao's attitude, he almost vomited blood!

It's fine without reinforcements, but it's even worse.

I'm down, the next one is up to you!

Why don't you understand?

Yuan Shao hated that iron cannot be made into steel.

However, Cao Cao knows better than anyone else, but his strength does not allow him to jump out, what can he do?

It's not that he didn't work hard, he also struggled, and ended up being taught by Dongyang Hou to be a man.

"Bullshit imperial decree!" Yuan Shao was so furious that he directly set the imperial decree on fire.

Why is it that Dongyanghou, a villain who has gained a false reputation, has people speaking for him?

Yuan Shao couldn't figure it out.

"Sure enough, Liu Dingfang and Cao Mengde are the same kind of people. They are not hard-hearted, and they can't control one side." Yuan Shao sighed.

Looking at the empty tent, Yuan Shao was suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of loss.

With Cao Cao taking the lead, the other princes were either silent or mocked Yuan Shao for being overreaching.

In short, there is no good word for Yuan Shao.

Soon after, Cao Cao's envoy came to redeem Le Jin.If Cao Cao hadn't sold a good one, I'm afraid no one would dare to go on an envoy.

"Dongyang Hou, please hold up your hand and let General Le Jin go." Zhong Yao cupped his hands.

After Liu Ke thought about it, he took [-] gold and released him.

To Liu Ke, Le Jin has long been worthless. If it hadn't been for Zhong Yao's arrival, Liu Ke would have forgotten about this character.

"Thank you, Marquis Dongyang." Zhong Yao said sincerely, showing his diplomatic skills to the fullest.

"It's all about doing things with money, yes, what is Meng De doing recently?" Liu Ke asked.

Zhong Yao's eyelids twitched. This question is indeed difficult to answer. If it is not done well, it will offend Dongyanghou.

Therefore, Zhong Yao avoided the seriousness and said lightly: "The prime minister has nothing to do recently, and he likes fishing."

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