"Meng De is really elegant." Liu Ke said.

"The prime minister was also forced to do nothing. He has been suffering from severe gout recently, and he couldn't get out of bed several times. The imperial doctor told him to take a good rest." Zhong Yao said.

"When he gets sick, he will be taken care of by the imperial doctor. Meng De's childhood is going well." Liu Ke said.

Zhong Yao didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Fortunately, Liu Ke didn't ask any further questions. After asking about the situation of Emperor Xian, he asked Zhong Yao to go back.

Zhong Yao was filled with emotions, talking with Liu Ke was like saving his life, he didn't want to experience this feeling again.

Holding Liu Ke's documents, Zhong Yao immediately went to Xuzhou to pick up the people, without stopping for a while.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Liu Ke surrounded Yecheng, he was not in a hurry to attack, but he still feigned attacks several times from time to time, which made the defenders in the city panic.

During this period, Liu Ke gradually infiltrated Yecheng, and a group of Yuan Shao's ministers expressed their willingness to join him.

This is also the reason why Liu Ke didn't take a strong attack. Since he could take Yecheng without bloodshed, why bother to have his head broken?

Zhen Yao made use of the connections of the Zhen family, and so did Shen Rong.They attract a group of people, and those who are attracted call their relatives and friends, forming a virtuous circle.

Liu Ke believed that within half a month at most, Yecheng would be riddled with holes.

Any expansion of the team will reveal clues.

Yuan Shao had discovered this group of people a long time ago, and now he was disheartened.

"My lord, we must not tolerate it! Before they cause harm, uproot them." Ju Shou said.

"What about after uprooting? Who will guard the city for me?" Yuan Shao said.

"My lord, you still have me! At this time, you need to stand up strong." Ju Shou said.

"Enough! Is it really that simple?" Yuan Shao scolded.

Don't take it for granted!

That's nearly a third of the family's team!

After cleaning up this group of people, Yuan Shao is almost like a lonely family.

At that time, it will cause a chain reaction.

What would the soldiers think?

Even if they are not their immediate leaders, they will feel chilling.

Disappointed with Jizhou.

This consequence is more serious.

Now that Yuan Shao holds the military power in his hands, he has the confidence to stick to it. Once the army's mind is disturbed, what else will he play?

Might as well go play in the mud!

"The Marquis of Dongyang refused to attack the city for so long because he wanted us to fall apart. He must not be allowed to succeed!" Yuan Shao said.

Then you can't condone your subordinates to join Dongyanghou, right?

So Jushou changed his suggestion, saying: "Punish the chief evil, otherwise the hearts of the people will be distracted."

Killing or not killing will lose people's hearts.

That being the case, let's kill less and leave a little room for everyone.

For this suggestion, Yuan Shao did not resist and acquiesced to the matter.

Jushou strode out of the hall, arrested several political opponents in a murderous manner, beheaded them in public, and frightened Xiaoxiao.

It did work at first, but later, everyone was afraid that Jushou would come to him, so everyone united to impeach Jushou.

Even some people who have no means of betrayal have joined the impeachment camp.

They dug up the old accounts, claiming that Jushou was Han Fu's man who had conspired against him and wished Yuan Shao's death so that he could avenge his old master.

Yuan Shao looked confused, Jushou has been here for so long, and has been working hard all the time, can't he prove his loyalty?

However, in the next second, Guo Tu stood up and said, "Ju Lian is too prestige and difficult to control."

Guo Tu was the only one who criticized Jushou in front of Jushou.

Every word you say to me, everyone points to one center: Ju Shou is the rebel!

Outraged by the crowd, Yuan Shao had no choice but to let go of his official position and hand over his troops to Commander-in-Chief Guo Tu.

The crowd was victorious.

Jushou was sad and indignant, and when he returned home, he immediately closed the door and saw no guests. Yuan Shao came to visit him in person, but Jushou said he was ill.

Jushou has a strong personality, which can be seen.

Yuan Shao left with a sigh.

The current Yecheng is in a bad state.

With the arrival of autumn, Yuan Shao contracted a cold and was bedridden.

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