"Father, how do you feel?" Yuan Tan asked with concern, as soon as he got the news, he hurried over.

"I can't die!" Yuan Shao waved his hands, "Ahem..."

Yuan Tan wanted to say something else, but Yuan Shang broke in suddenly and said, "Father, I heard that you are sick, so I brought the best doctor in the city."

"I have a heart." Yuan Shao showed a pale smile.

Yuan Shang turned around and glanced at Yuan Tan. The latter clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged.

Yuan Tan is about to doubt his life. They are both father's sons. Why is there such a big difference?

What did he do wrong?

No, nothing was done wrong.

He just doesn't have a beautiful mother, nor does he have a handsome face.

Yuan Tan was very unconvinced, but there was nothing he could do.Looking at the harmony between father and son on the hospital bed, he always felt that he was superfluous.

"Father!" came another call from outside the door.

It was Yuan Xi. Although he was a step behind, he brought precious ginseng and told his servants: "Take it to torment, and pay attention to the heat!"

After thinking about it, he seemed uneasy, so Yuan Xi snatched the ginseng back and said to himself, "Forget it, I'll go by myself!"

After speaking, he just slipped away.

Yuan Tan also wanted to find something to do to avoid embarrassment, so he poured Yuan Shao a cup of tea.

"Father, drink some water."

"This tea was made last night, don't you know?" Yuan Shao gave him a white look, this eldest son is always a little silly.

Yuan Tan was stunned on the spot. If you don't tell me, I really don't know.

Then, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shang talked a lot, but it was something about their childhood.

Yuan Tan was bored, tired from standing, and wanted to sit down, but he was afraid that it would be inappropriate, so he just stood awkwardly.

In fact, Yuan Shao also occasionally secretly looked at Yuan Tan's expression. As his eldest son, he really didn't have any patience at all, so he simply ignored him.

"Father, drink some hot soup!" Yuan Xi suddenly ran in and said.

Yuan Shang was also very cooperative, helping Yuan Shao up and supporting his back.

Yuan Xi feeds slowly one spoon at a time, sometimes blowing twice with his mouth for fear of burning.

Harmony between father and son.

Except Yuan Tan was at a loss.

After drinking the medicine, Yuan Shao regained some energy and said, "Now is a time of crisis, you must unite as one."

"As long as father is here, all problems will be solved." Yuan Shang said.

"Yes, father, Yecheng is very safe. Sooner or later, our Yuan family will turn around. When you recover well, you will lead us to defeat the Marquis of Dongyang." Yuan Xi said.

Yuan Shao was elated when he heard it.

"Father, if you are sick, you should rest well. Tian Feng, Guo Tu and others will take care of the affairs of Ye City," Yuan Tan said.

"Although Tian Feng, Guo Tu and others are loyal, how can they do without our Yuan family?" Yuan Shao said, "Xiansi, do you also want to help?"

"I would like to serve my father!" Yuan Tan said excitedly.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Yuan Shao was just talking ironically.

"Hmph!" Yuan Shao snorted coldly, and said, "I'm still fighting for power and profit before I'm dead?"

Yuan Tan kept silent like a cicada, why is everything wrong?

Yuan Shang gloated a little, but he didn't express it, he just glanced at Yuan Tan with his eyes.

"Father, my child definitely doesn't have such thoughts." Yuan Tan argued.

However, how could Yuan Shao believe such nonsense, just as he was about to say something, a sudden violent cough interrupted him.

"Father, pay attention to your body." Yuan Shang caressed Yuan Shao's back.

Yuan Xi was not so polite anymore, and said to Yuan Tan: "Brother, you have also seen that father is not feeling well, so don't provoke me, let's leave first, and discuss it after father recovers."

What a ghost to discuss!

Yuan Tan handed over his hand and resigned.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The news of Yuan Shao's illness was concealed, except for a few high-level officials who knew about it, the others were kept in the dark.

However, at such a critical moment, Yuan Shao did not show up for three days, which still aroused suspicion.

Driven by someone with a heart, all kinds of rumors flew in the city.

As for the authenticity, who cares.

The nerves of the soldiers in Yecheng were already sensitive, and Yuan Shao fell ill, but now he recovered and collapsed immediately.

Guo Tu is responsible for stabilizing the morale of the army, while Tian Feng is responsible for controlling rumors.

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