The results are remarkable.

However, this is only temporary. If Yuan Shao doesn't show up again, he might not be able to suppress it.

Yuan Shao struggled to stand up, trembling.

"Father!" Yuan Shang hurried over to help him, and shouted distressedly.

"This time, we have to come forward." Yuan Shao said firmly.

Unable to stop Yuan Shang, he accompanied Yuan Shao to inspect the three armies.Yuan Shao held on, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, barely walking for an hour.

Seeing that Yuan Shaoxiang was safe and sound, the soldiers reluctantly let go of their worries.

After returning, Yuan Shao passed out directly and became unconscious.

"Father! Father!" No matter how Yuan Shang shouted, Yuan Shao always looked limp.

The doctor soon came to diagnose and treat Yuan Shao.

"My lord has a cold, and his condition has worsened. You must take a good rest and don't go out."

Yuan Shang just stayed by Yuan Shao's side, never leaving.

Yuan Tan wanted to visit, but was turned away by Yuan Shang.

"Why? I just want to visit my father!" Yuan Tan shouted angrily.

"Shut up, father is sleeping!" Yuan Shang said.

In fact, it was a coma.

The reason why Yuan Shang said this was to attack Yuan Tan.

Sure enough, Yuan Tan couldn't take it anymore, left angrily, and found Guo Tu to complain.

"How could he do this?!" Yuan Tan growled.

"Calm down, we need to be calm now," Guo Tu said.

"Father is sick, I can't even see his face now, how can I calm down?" Yuan Tan said.

"Small intolerance leads to big plans." Guo Tu said.

"What big plan do we have?" Yuan Tan asked.

Can you speak well?

Is it fun to get to the bottom of it?

Guo Tu didn't want to discuss this matter, so he changed the subject and said, "I'm afraid Yecheng won't be able to hold on to my lord's illness, and those people will definitely pass the news to Marquis Dongyang."

"They dare!" Yuan Tan said angrily.

"Why dare not? For the continuation of the family, it's nothing to take a little risk." Guo Tu said.

Coincidentally, some time ago, Guo Tu just used the power of these people to overthrow Jushou and gain more military power.

"Then what should we do?" Yuan Tan asked.

"Since you can't go against the sky, it's not bad to go with the trend," Guo Tu said.

Yuan Tan was startled, and said, "You can't say that!"

"Young master, it's time to think for yourself. At least, leave a way out, don't regret it too late." Guo Tu said.

Then Guo Tu clapped his hands, and the two brothers Xin Ping and Xin Pi came out.

"You..." Yuan Tan didn't know what to say.

"My lord, I would like to contact Dongyang Hou for you!" Simpi said.

Yuan Tan was taken aback, he had never thought about this question before.

"It's absolutely impossible, I will not betray my father." Yuan Tan said firmly.

When Xin Pi heard this, he knew that he was too radical, and quickly changed his words: "My lord misunderstood, we wanted to propose a plan to surrender Dongyanghou at the meeting."

If everyone agrees to surrender, it is not a betrayal.

Yuan Tan quickly sorted out his thoughts and said, "Are you sure?"

If possible, Yuan Tan does not want to live a life of fear.

"Actually, my lord has long wanted to surrender, but I just can't let go of my face." Guo Tu said, he knew Yuan Shao very well, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting in this position.

"Furthermore, after the Jushou incident, everyone in Ye City knows what the officials in Yecheng think. You are just standing up for them. Even if the proposal fails, you can still win their support." Guo Tu continued.

"But father..." Yuan Tan hesitated to speak.

Because he figured it out for himself, so what if he stood on the opposite side of his father?

When did father ever consider his idea?

He loves Yuan Shang and always ignores himself.

"Young Master, this time, he represents the interests of the officials." Xin Pi said.

These words successfully convinced Yuan Tan.

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