"No need, I'm not greedy for glory and wealth." Yuan Tan Dayi said solemnly.

Simpi bowed his hands and expressed his admiration.Then he looked at Guo Tu, who nodded meaningfully.

With Guo Tu's support, Simpi is so confident.

Guo Tu has military power!

Next, Xin Pi contacted the Yangzhou Army using a secret line.

After Liu Ke received the news, his heart was at peace, because he had expected that things would develop like this.

The only surprising thing is that this force is dominated by Yuan Tan.

It can be said that the Yuan Tan Group has moved closer to Yangzhou, shaking two-thirds of the power in Yecheng at once.

Yecheng could no longer stop Liu Ke's pace.

"During this time, our painstaking efforts have not been in vain." Liu Ke said.

"My lord has a good leader!" Everyone said in unison.

"Accept Yuan Tan's request, as long as he opens the city gate, everything will be handed over to us." Liu Ke said.

"Will there be fraud in it?" Cangba asked cautiously.

"After the city gate is opened, you don't care if he cheated or not." Lu Bu responded domineeringly.


Just kill them all.

Zang Ba was a little speechless, but as a Yangzhou soldier, he also had this confidence.

"Don't worry, Yuan Tan doesn't dare." Liu Ke said, the reason why he was so sure was because of his absolute strength.

Even if Yuan Tan killed thousands of Yangzhou troops, what effect would it have?

It will only usher in Liu Ke's crazy revenge.

After several contacts, everyone agreed on a time.

However, when things came to an end, Yuan Tan hesitated.

"What should we do if father suddenly wakes up?"

From Yuan Tan's point of view, when Yuan Shao was in a coma, it was not considered a betrayal, but once Yuan Shao woke up, could he be ruthless?

"My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang has promised to protect the Yuan family." Xin Pi said, "If my lord wakes up, I will only be angry for a while."

In order to strengthen Yuan Tan's heart, Xin Pi also added:

"For the survival of the Yuan family, we have to do this."

Yuan Tanmo was gradually brainwashed after reading this sentence.

"Besides, it is not unacceptable to do things under Dongyanghou's command. After Dongyanghou took Jizhou and Youzhou, he occupied half of the country. After a period of recuperation, he will be able to sweep the world. At that time, Dongyanghou will be the dragon among men. The young master can ascend to the position of the third lord and become the fifth and fourth lord!" Xin Pi said.

"I see." Yuan Tan said, still having some expectations in his heart.

At night, when everything was calm, Guo Tu mobilized elite troops to change defenses.

The whole process did not arouse any suspicion, after all, it was Guo Tu who was in charge of this matter.

Guo Tu was still very prudent in doing things. When the signal was given from the city, Guo Tu gave an order and opened the city gate.

Yangzhou cavalry took advantage of the night to enter the city.

What shocked Guo Tu was that Liu Ke himself was the leader.

"Greetings to Marquis Dongyang!" Guo Tu said respectfully.

"Isn't it the first time we met?" Liu Ke said.

"It's all for making suggestions for the master, and please don't blame Dongyang Hou." Guo Tu said respectfully.

"Tonight, you are not only innocent, but also meritorious. I will not treat anyone who has helped me badly!" Liu Ke promised.

Guo Tu waited for so long, isn't it just for this sentence?

"Thank you, Marquis Dongyang!"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's start to act." Liu Ke said.

There are three military camps in Ye City.

Tai Shici is in charge of Yebei, Zhao Yun is in charge of Yenan, and Lu Bu and Dianwei are in charge of frontal breakthroughs.

Guo Tudu sent his confidants to follow him, lead the way, and persuade them to surrender when necessary.

"How's Yuan Shao's condition?" Liu Ke asked, he just sat at the head of the city and didn't try to grab the credit that belonged to his subordinates.

"My lord is still unconscious." Guo Tu sighed.

If Yuan Shao hadn't fallen ill, Yuan Tan and Guo Tu would not have dared to lure the Yangzhou army into the city at such a time even if they had given ten thousand courage.

"As I said, history is written by the victors. As long as you win this battle, you don't have to care what other people say." Liu Ke said.

The phrase "public rules" almost brought tears to Guo Tu's eyes. The reason why he went out in person was not only for insurance, but also because he wanted to be a familiar face.

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