Meeting Liu Ke this time, Guo Tu made a lot of money.

Life is a gamble.

Liu Ke was on the city wall, watching the fire dragon continue to spread, feeling extremely happy.

The Yangzhou Army's three-way army encountered almost no resistance.

Yecheng is extremely strong, and it is of great significance to Liu Ke that it can be taken down without bloodshed.

Soon after, Simpi and Yuan Tan came together to meet Liu Ke.

Needless to say, it must have been notified by Guo Tu.

If ordinary generals came, Yuan Tan and Xin Pi didn't have to show up, but Liu Ke's status was here, and the two had their own ideas.

Yuan Tan suddenly knelt down and said, "Please don't hurt my father, Marquis Dongyang."

"This is something that has been promised a long time ago." Liu Ke said.

Seeing Liu Ke personally promise in front of everyone, Yuan Tan breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about this, you bring a troop and persuade the city lord's mansion to surrender." Liu Ke said to Yuan Tan.

"This... obeys orders!" Yuan Tan was flattered.

Of course, the soldiers and horses are not Liu Ke, but Guo Tu's.

Let Yuan Tan command the Yangzhou Army, I am afraid that the Yangzhou Army will rebel.

"If the City Lord's Mansion is stubborn, I will give you the right to handle it independently, and you can ask for help at any time." Liu Ke said.

Yuan Tan's political enemy is Yuan Shang, and Yuan Shang is a dutiful son in the city lord's mansion.It doesn't matter if Liu Ke gives him a chance to show off.

"Thank you, Marquis Dongyang!" Yuan Tan clasped his hands, took over the command of [-] troops, and went straight to the city lord's mansion.

After Yuan Tan left, Liu Ke looked at Simpi.

Xin Pi is the hero in this battle. After he was recruited by Shen Rong, he began to expand the team. First, his brother Xin Ping, with the help of Xin Ping, persuaded Guo Tu... Finally Yuan Tan was also dragged into the water.

"In the future, everything in Jizhou will depend on you two." Liu Ke said.

Both Xinpi and Guo Tu were very excited, and the position of governor could not escape!

Can Liu Kefeng's governor be the same as Yuan Shaofeng's?

Even Liu Ke is more authoritative than the imperial court.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the guidance of Guo Tu, the Yangzhou army advanced very smoothly.

The Yenan and Yebei camps surrendered without resistance.

One of them contributed a lot, and that was Liu He.

Speaking of Liu He, everyone is very unfamiliar, but he has an identity that cannot be ignored-the son of Liu Yu, a member of the Han family clan Youzhou Mu.

Long story.

When Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, he abolished the emperor.

Yuan Shao has always been dissatisfied with this point, so he is unwilling to admit the legitimacy of Emperor Xian, and always wants to find someone to replace Emperor Xian.

He first failed to find Liu Yu, and later Liu Yu was defeated and executed by the "court". Yuan Shao took a fancy to another person, that is, Liu He.

Liu He is indeed a talent, the reason why Gongsun Zan did not develop, he is indisputable.

After Liu Yu was killed by Gongsun Zan, Yan Rou, Xian Yufu, Qi Zhou and King Wuhuan Qiao of Youzhou joined forces to avenge Liu Yu, and Liu He was the leader.

Yuan Shao sent Qu Yi to help, fight side by side with Liu He, and established a deep friendship.

It's just that later, Liu He gradually emerged as a king, and it was only a matter of time before he became a prince.

Yuan Shao discovered this problem, and Liu He had already brought trouble to his cause of dominating the world.

After annihilating Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao no longer has any worries.

After some weighing, Yuan Shao beheaded Qu Yi on the grounds that he was "self-reliant on meritorious service, arrogant and unruly".

You must know that Qu Yi's martial prowess is not inferior to Yan Liang's Wen Chou. Gongsun Zan's white horse righteousness was lost in the hands of this person.

After Qu Yi's death, Liu He woke up suddenly and gradually hid.

It wasn't until today that Liu He launched an attack and led his troops to join Liu Ke.

In Yuan Shao's camp, people's hearts have long been torn apart.

As soon as Liu Ke entered the city, the soldiers of Jizhou surrendered one after another, causing a chain reaction.

Even if some people are really loyal to Yuan Shao, they are powerless.

Yuan Tan surrounded the City Lord's Mansion with an army of [-].

"Brother, don't be stubborn!" Yuan Tan shouted.

Yuan Shang was surprisingly angry, and angrily scolded: "You can even betray your own father, Yuan Tan, you are really a character!"

However, after the anger passed, Yuan Shang also regretted that he was preempted by Yuan Tan.

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