One accident, even fell off the horse.

Seeing this, Xin Ping was taken aback, and quickly reined in his horse.

"Haha!" Seeing this, Yuan Shang laughed wildly, the laughter was a bit harsh.

"Father, I accepted this unfilial son for you!"

The two sides fought again, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Xin Ping hurriedly checked Yuan Tan's injuries, broke several bones, and passed out.

If you don't get timely medical treatment, you will die at any time.

Faced with such a situation, Xin Ping didn't dare to love to fight, and ordered his soldiers to carry Yuan Tan on their backs, and retreated hastily.

Yuan Shang chased and killed him for a while, his whole body strength seemed to be drained, and he was exhausted.

Can't keep chasing!

Yuan Shang gritted his teeth, led his army to retreat, and continued to flee.

At the same time, he also felt fortunate that it was Yuan Tan who came after him, not the elite Yangzhou army.

Otherwise, there is no way out.

Yuan Shang had only two choices, one was to go to Bingzhou to join Cao Cao, the other was to go to the grassland and join Wuhuan, he chose the latter.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Xin Ping ran wildly with Yuan Tan for a while, he found that Yuan Tan's aura was getting weaker and weaker, and the pursuers had disappeared.


Xin Ping carefully put Yuan Tan down, anxious.

"Hurry up, hurry back to Yecheng, and invite the genius doctor Hua Tuo!"

Now that Yuan Tan couldn't stand the rush, Xin Ping made a decisive decision.

However, Xin Ping's efforts failed to save Yuan Tan's life after all.

By the time Hua Tuo arrived, Yuan Tan was already dead.

Hua Tuo shook his head, and Xin Ping's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

If Yuan Tan had been hit by an arrow and hadn't fled in a panic, but resisted desperately, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Among them, falling from the horse is the fatal blow.

Xin Ping wailed with Yuan Tan's body in his arms, and Guo Tu in Yecheng also wailed with Yuan Shao's body in his arms.

In the battle of Yecheng, the lord died, and so did the eldest son.

The remaining two sons fled to Youzhou.

The Yuan family is completely in decline!

As a retainer, Xin Ping felt a burst of desolation.

Liu Ke became the biggest winner. Even he didn't expect that the Yuan family would kill each other.Originally, he had a headache about how to arrange Yuan Shao, but now he has no worries at all, but he can't be happy.

Now Jizhou is a mess.

Liu Ke had tried his best to avoid a strong attack, but with Yuan Shao's death, there was still turmoil in Jizhou.

This news cannot be concealed at all, and Liu Ke has no intention of concealing it.

If it weren't for the [-] Yangzhou army to suppress it, I am afraid that the ghosts and monsters in Jizhou will emerge.

As time goes by, Yuan Shao will surely be forgotten.

But before that, Liu Ke needs to stabilize people's hearts.

"Yuan Shao ruled Jizhou without any major fault, and won the hearts of the people, so I decided to hold a grand funeral to tell the whole Jizhou that Yuan Shao's era has passed, and they will usher in a brighter tomorrow."

"My lord is wise!"

"I'll leave this matter to you." Liu Ke said to Zhen Yao, Zhen Yao provided a lot of help in dividing Jizhou's people, so Liu Ke left this matter to him.

"Obey! This subordinate must finish this matter well!" Zhen Yao said excitedly, he knew that doing this well would mean that he would start to appear on the stage in Yangzhou.

This is the opportunity Liu Ke gave him.

Zhen Yao invited all the famous people in Jizhou, and everyone who was a bit famous received the post.

How could the Jizhou family refuse!

Now is the time to stand in line, to send off the old era and welcome the new future.

A total of [-] people attended this grand funeral, not including the people who spontaneously came to see him off.

Even if Emperor Ling passed away, there was no such grand scene.

Cao Cao also received the post. He declined the matter, but felt sad.

Yuan Shao is his best friend!

When the ten permanent servants covered the sky with one hand, they worked together to assist the general He Jin.

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