Now, Yuan Shao died, still in such a miserable way.

No matter how grand the funeral is, what's the use?

Cao Cao suddenly had a splitting headache. He seemed to see the scene where Liu Ke commanded an army of millions and surrounded Chang'an.

At that time, will I also be betrayed by everyone?

Every time he thinks about it, Cao Cao gets a headache, but he can't stop thinking about it.

Once, he joined forces with Yuan Shao and was able to fight Dongyanghou, but later it turned into containment development, and finally barely defended.

"Benchu~, if you and I are of the same mind, why did this happen?!" Cao Cao said to the air.

Now in the whole world, no one is the opponent of Dongyanghou.

Cao Cao was very scared!

Suddenly, Cao Hong came over in a hurry and reported, "My lord, military advisor Xi Zhicai is seriously ill!"

Cao Cao woke up suddenly. He thought that Xi Zhicai was just a minor illness, but he didn't expect that it was so serious that Cao Hong reported it himself.

So Cao Cao put down his work and went to visit Xi Zhicai's mansion.

Xi Zhicai has always been his right-hand man, and at this critical moment, nothing can happen.

Cao Cao rode a fast horse and didn't even sit in the carriage. Cao Hong led all his personal guards to chase after him. People who didn't know it thought there was a war.

After dismounting, Cao Cao went straight to Xi Zhicai's room, and there was a strong smell of soup and medicine.

"Zhicai, how are you doing?" Cao Cao looked at Xi Zhicai who was pale and colorless, feeling distressed.

"My lord...I'm afraid this subordinate...can't help you achieve great things!" Xi Zhicai said after a pause.

"Teach the imperial physician, use the best medicine." Cao Cao shouted.

"It's useless, I don't know how much ginseng from Yangzhou I've eaten, and it's just for a while." Xi Zhicai said slowly.

"As much as you want, if it's not enough, I don't mind asking the Marquis of Dongyang, as long as you take care of yourself." Cao Cao said generously, shaking his sleeves.

Xi Zhicai nodded, but he finally couldn't help asking:

"Yuan Shao, are you defeated?"

Cao Cao looked gloomy.

"Destiny is in Dongyanghou!" Xi Zhicai sighed.

If Yuan Shao persisted for a year or two and continued to consume the strength of the Yangzhou army, there was still a little chance, but now...

The monarch and his subjects looked at each other and remained silent.

It was a little later for Sun Ce to get the news. Even though he was full of fighting spirit, he couldn't help but feel depressed at the moment.

Dongyang Hou has expanded to the land of six states, and he has only one Jingzhou.

Jingzhou is rich and has a large population.

But how could it be compared to the land of six states?

Sun Ce also wants to develop, but the east and south of Jingzhou are Liu Ke's territory, and the north is Yuzhou, which is the meat of Liu Ke's mouth.

As for the west, it is Liu Zhang of Yizhou.

When Liu Yan was there, his rule over Yizhou was deeply ingrained. Although Liu Zhang had no skills, he loved the people like a son, and the army was willing to serve him.

Jingzhou's road to development is broken!

"To strengthen the defense of Xiangyang City, I'm afraid we will only be able to hold on to one city at that time." Sun Ce laughed at himself.

"My lord has also improved, haha!" Zhou Yu laughed loudly, he thought Sun Ce would keep his head straight and take the initiative to attack.

Hearing Zhou Yu laugh, Sun Ce's mood improved a lot.

Dongyang Hou, what will you do next?

As for Liu Bei, he was already trembling with fright.

"Xinye is not a place to stay for a long time." Liu Bei said, it was hard to gain territory in several county towns, and now it's time to give up, I really can't bear it.

However, if he didn't run away, he would be liquidated. On balance, Liu Bei decided to save his life first.

"Brother, where else can we go?" Zhang Fei asked.

"This..." Liu Bei didn't think about it. Of course Jingzhou was an option, but Jingzhou was almost surrounded by Dongyang Hou's forces.

Not safe!

Liu Bei thought about it, and only Xiliang and Yizhou could accommodate him.

Xiliang is remote and too far away.

Yizhou is a good choice, and Liu Bei can take his subordinates there.

Moreover, Liu Zhang in Yizhou is a clan relative of the Han Dynasty, and the two have a common origin.

After Liu Bei thought about it, he decided to go to Yizhou, but before that, he needed a long-term plan.

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