After Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi escaped from Wei County, Liu Ke did not give up hunting.

He gave two orders, one was to let Zhang Xi break the road and pursue from behind, and the other was to let Chen Deng set up a checkpoint and intercept in Youzhou.

However, the Yuan brothers seemed to have evaporated and disappeared without a trace in Jizhou and Youzhou.

Liu Ke deduced that they must have received the help of the local gentry, otherwise they would not have been able to escape the hunt.

Yuan Shao has ruled Jizhou for so many years, it is normal to have some supporters.After Yuan Shao died, Yu Yin protected the Yuan brothers.

Liu Ke knows that if these two people cannot be arrested, Jizhou will not be considered truly peaceful.

Not long after, news came from Chen Deng that the Yuan brothers had arrived in the north and appeared in Tadun's camp.

In other words, the hunt failed.

Chen Deng didn't fully grasp Youzhou, and something went wrong.

In the letter, Chen Deng asked Liu Ke to be punished.

However, Liu Ke did not blame him for this.The most urgent task is to solve the problem.

"Wuhuan has lost nearly [-] cavalry, yet he is still not awake, and he is almost lifeless." Lu Bu said.

At the beginning when the water was flooded, Wuhuan lost troops and generals, and Tai Shici chased and killed them all the way, there were very few foreigners who could escape back to the grassland.

How long has passed, and Tadun dared to confront Yangzhou again, everyone thought it was interesting.

"Courtesy first, soldiers later." Liu Ke set the tone.

For the messenger, Liu Ke already has a candidate, and this person is Liu He.

Liu He contributed a lot to Yuan Shao's friendship with Wuhuan.

"As long as Tadun surrenders the two yuan, everything will be forgotten." Liu Ke said to Liu He.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is kind!" Liu He cupped his hands.

Liu He originally thought that the Yangzhou army would directly attack the grassland, but he didn't expect that Dongyang Hou was also a reasonable person.

Wuhuan helped Liu He a lot, so Liu He didn't want to be their enemy unless it was absolutely necessary.

However, between the Han people and Wuhuan, Liu He chose the Han people.

After all, he is also a clan member of the Han family.Although he is friendly with Wuhuan, he knows how to choose in the face of righteousness.

So Liu He went to Wuhuan with a mission, and kindly persuaded Tadun to hand over Eryuan.

"Shan Yu, the Marquis of Dongyang is the hero of the Central Plains. You have seen how powerful the Marquis of Dongyang is. Why should you be an enemy to him?"

"Hmph, my Wuhuan's [-] soldiers, including the previous Shanyu, were lost in Jizhou. If we don't avenge our revenge, how can we gain a foothold in the grassland?" Ta Dun snorted coldly.

He has a good impression of Liu He, but this good impression is based on Liu Yu's connection.

Liu Yu has been dead for so long, this feeling has faded long ago.

In fact, Liu He also overlooked one point, that is, his mind.

In order to stabilize the Three Kings and consolidate Shan Yu's position, no matter what, Tadun will be the enemy of Yangzhou and Liu Ke.

The three kings have a common enemy, so they obey Ta Dun's orders, and Ta Dun can take the opportunity to gather military power.

Therefore, helping the Yuan brothers is just a matter of convenience.

Under the various promises of the Yuan brothers, Tadun even decided to help them regain Youzhou and Jizhou.

Liu He knew that the hatred on the grassland would not be eliminated easily, so he said cleverly:

"Shanyu needs time. If you don't hand over Eryuan, I'm afraid Marquis Dongyang won't let it go."

It is true that it takes time to fight, and two hundred thousand soldiers have just been lost. Where can he find more people to fight for him?

But he believed that Liu would not trouble him so soon.

The second state is not stable yet.

The reason why Chen Deng failed to find the Yuan brothers was because they made public appearances and accused Liu Ke of forcibly occupying Jizhou and Youzhou.

Yuan Shaocai was appointed by the imperial court to be the shepherd of Jizhou, and Liu Ke had no power to occupy it, even though he had strong military strength.

No one responded to the shouts of the Yuan brothers. After all, Liu Ke was in full swing, and no one wanted to offend him.

Yuan Shang also knew that it was just a nail planted for the future.

Few people do things like losing their heads, but everyone is willing to beat a dog in the water.

Once Liu Ke is defeated, he will also fall into the dust.

"My big Wuhuan has countless warriors. If the Marquis of Dongyang dares to come, he will never come back." Ta Dun said confidently.

The reason why Wuhuan was defeated was that the cavalry could not be used because it had penetrated into the hinterland of the Central Plains.If the war is fought on the grassland, the Wuhuan cavalry will teach the Yangzhou army how to behave.

Wuhuan can still run if he can't beat him, this is where Tadun's confidence lies.

Moreover, there are many powerful tribes in the north.

Liu He saw that the oil and salt would not be eaten, and he was determined to protect the Yuan brothers, so he said goodbye: "In this case, Shan Yuhao will do it for himself."

"Wuhuan people are not afraid of threats." Ta Dun said forcefully.

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