Liu He left directly.

Yuan Shang came out from the tent and said, "Thank you, Shan Yu!"

"Haha! It's a trivial matter!" Tadun laughed.

"How can life-saving grace be a trivial matter? As long as Shan Yu helps me take back Youzhou and Jizhou, gold, silver, jewelry, food and beautiful women, you can ask for it!" Yuan Shang said.

Ta Dun laughed even happier. The Central Plains is rich and the North is bitterly cold. This is one of the reasons why the grassland people have been going south to plunder.

However, looting is not as direct as sending more.

"Don't worry, I have already sent people to contact the grassland tribes. As long as we unite, even ten Marquis of Dongyang will not be our opponents." Ta Dun said.

Yuan Shang also believed in this point. Once the Wuhuan people were united, they would be a force to overthrow the Central Plains. However, Wuhuan had been fighting on their own all along.

"Shan Yu, Marquis of Dongyang should not be underestimated." Yuan Shang reminded.

"I know this better than you." Ta Dun said, but Ta Dun still felt a little disdainful in his heart. If it wasn't for the water attack, the Wuhuan cavalry would not have been defeated so thoroughly.

This is Tianwei, not Dongyanghou's power.

After Liu He returned to Jizhou, he truthfully reported the incident to Liu Ke.

"Wuhuan's heart is never dead, so please be careful, my lord." Liu He concluded.

"Ta Dun is not weak." Liu Ke said.

Nearly [-] alien cavalry were lost in the hands of Liu Ke, but Ta Dun still did not give up. This meant that Ta Dun was capable of gathering more than [-] troops to retaliate against Liu Ke.

There is no delay in stabilizing the two states, so that Liu Ke can free up his hands to solve the trouble of Tadun.

The north has always been a threat to the Central Plains dynasty, and Youzhou is the frontier, the first line of defense in the Central Plains.

Youzhou was not under Liu Ke's control before, so he could ignore the aliens.

It is different now.

How could Liu Ke tolerate a powerful force coveting by his side?

The Yuan brothers must be eliminated, and Tadun must be eliminated even more.

Afterwards, Liu Ke called Zhao Yun and said, "The army rests for half a month and waits for my order."

"Obey." Zhao Yun cupped his fists and said, "This time the enemy is..."

"Take a break." Liu Ke said.

Zhao Yun had a guess in his heart, but it was only confirmed by Liu Ke at the moment.

Liu He on the side didn't know what to say, probably he never thought that Liu Ke's determination would be so firm and strong.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

During the rest period of the army, Liu Ke was not idle either. The first thing to do was to stabilize Jizhou and Youzhou.

If you want stability in Erzhou, you must first control people's hearts.

Therefore, Liu Ke decided to recruit Yuan Shao's old troops to surrender.

After Liu Ke broke through Yecheng, some people surrendered directly, mainly Guo Tu, Xin Ping, Xin Pi, and Liu He.

However, there are still many important people who have been reluctant to surrender because of Yuan Shao's old love.

Among them are Tian Feng, Jushou, Judgment, Gao Lan and so on.

Except for Fengji who died at the hands of Yuan Tan, these people formed the main force to rule Jizhou.

Originally, Liu Ke planned to imprison these diehards first, and then activate them after getting rid of the Yuan brothers.

But now that it has been decided to use troops on the grassland, Jizhou must be stabilized quickly.

So Liu Ke advanced the progress.

"How about it, are they still unwilling to surrender?" Liu Ke asked Simpi.

"These people are stubborn, and their subordinates have great trust!" Simpi bowed.

Guo Tu on the side was ready to move, but Liu Ke ignored it.

The reason why Liu Ke handed over this matter to Simpi instead of Guo Tu was after careful consideration.

Most of the prisoners in the prison are Guo Tu's political opponents, and even Gao Lan, a general, disdains Guo Tu very much.

With Guo Tu's character, he would definitely be sarcasm, but it would have the opposite effect.

Therefore, only when the last step of intimidation is reached is Guo Tu's time to play.

Compared with Guo Tu, Simpi is much more kind, tactful and alert.

Now that Simpi failed, Liu Ke could only think about the next step. He didn't go to the door recklessly and subdue the crowd with his domineering aura, but collected information first, hoping to hit a sure hit.

That's why Liu Ke called Guo Tu and Xin Pi.

Among them, Gao Lan's mind has been shaken, and Liu Ke plans to use him as a breakthrough.The military commander's mind is also relatively simple.

For Gao Lan to be as famous as Yan Liangwen Chou, there must be something special about him.

Liu Ke ordered Gao Lan to be brought up, and said, "General Gao, I can give you an army. As for whether you can make contributions, it depends on your ability."

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