"A certain wish!" Gao Lan said bluntly.

"Hurry up and meet the lord!" Simpi reminded.

Gao Lan immediately bowed and kowtowed.

Generals are nothing more than leading troops to fight and making contributions.Liu Ke's promise directly broke Gao Lan's psychological defense.

Perhaps the reason why he persisted until now was to wait for Liu Ke's personal promise.

Next is the audition.

Shen Pei was imprisoned the longest, but he would rather die than surrender, and his nephew Shen Rong had nothing to do with him.

Liu Ke grasped one point, and it was precisely because of the judge that the judge was reluctant to surrender.

Therefore, Liu Ke focused on this point in the following conversation.

"Shenrong has been in Jiaozhou for ten years, are you willing to surrender?" Liu Ke said.

The judge was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

It was impossible for Liu to deal with Shen Rong, and the judge was well aware of this. In his opinion, although Yangzhou was prosperous, Jiaozhou was a barren land where poisonous insects and beasts ravaged.

During the Qin and Han dynasties, people were often exiled to Jiaozhou.

Shen Rong suffered ten years in Jiaozhou, far away from the power center of Yangzhou, this punishment is enough.

If we find out in the future that the development of Jiaozhou is not weaker than that of Yuzhou, I don't know how it will feel.

As for how to comfort Shen Rong, Liu Ke already had a plan in mind, so it was a kind of tempering.

Unexpectedly, Shen Rong accepted it calmly, saving Liu Ke a lot of embarrassment.

When he gets to Jiaozhou, I'm afraid he will be surprised.

Guo Tu's eyelids twitched at the judge's surrender, because the two had been at loggerheads.

Guo Tu originally wanted to speak up, but with his exquisite mind, he had long since discovered that Liu was an extremely powerful monarch, and it might be counterproductive, so he kept suppressing his restless heart.

"Bring Jushou up." Liu Ke ordered.

Jushou's hair is disheveled, except for his dirty body, he has no other restraints such as shackles.With a glance, he saw the judge who was drinking tea beside him. It seemed that he had just come out of prison.

And he seems to have surrendered.

"If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you, Dongyang Marquis don't have to waste your thoughts in vain." Ju Shou said firmly.

"Yuan Shao is dead." Liu Ke said, describing the process of that night in detail.

With Liu Ke's status, he didn't even bother to hide it.

Jushou couldn't bear it anymore, and wept bitterly.

Of course, Simpi also used this news, but the effect was completely different from Liu Ke's.

At that time, Ju Shou replied with a stiff neck: "Even if the lord dies, I will not surrender."

At this moment, Jushou's psychological defense suddenly collapsed.

Liu Ke waited patiently for a quarter of an hour before he surrendered.

The examiner beckoned and motioned for Jushou to drink tea, but Jushou did not refuse.

In the end, only Tian Feng was left.

When Tian Feng walked up slowly, he felt complicated.

Tian Fengchu was under Han Fu's subordinates, but he failed with integrity.Later, following Yuan Shao, he came to prominence.

Yuan Shao is kind to Tian Feng for knowing him!

Tian Feng has always kept this in mind, so he has been reluctant to surrender for a long time.When Yecheng was breached, he lit a raging fire against his conscience to cover Yuan Shang's escape.

It can be said to be loyal.

Even in the face of Dongyang Hou, you must be firm in your heart!

This is what Tian Feng told himself.

"Are you willing to surrender?" Liu Ke asked.

"Yes." Tian Feng agreed, "but there is one condition."

"What conditions." Liu Ke asked.

"Kill this thief!" Tian Feng pointed at Guo Tu angrily.

If Guo Tu hadn't opened the city gate, how could so many things have happened?

Guo Tu was so angry that his face turned red, and he scolded: "Tian Yuanhao, what qualifications do you have to make progress?"

With Liu Ke's reputation, of course he would not kill Guo Tu because of Tian Feng's words.

However, Guo Tu was afraid that Liu Ke would alienate him because of this.

There are so many talents in Yangzhou, Guo Tu finally showed his face, and he was smeared, he couldn't bear it.

"It's just a person who betrayed the master, Dongyang Hou won't be reluctant, right?" Tian Feng said.

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