It is said that Tian Feng is strong and easy to offend people, but looking at it now, he really deserves his reputation.

For Liu Ke, this aggressive method is like pediatrics.

"Even if Tian Biejia crashes his head and dies here, I will not execute Gongze." Liu Ke sarcastically said.

Hearing these words, Guo Tu was elated, he deserves to be the Marquis of Dongyang!

Really domineering and unparalleled.

"Hmph, what else is there to talk about." Tian Feng snorted coldly.

"However, if the public rules are against the law, I will not forgive them lightly." Liu Ke said.

Tian Feng was startled, what a Marquis of Dongyang, he came up with such a way to persuade him, how could he refuse?

Liu Ke's meaning is obvious. If you want to mess with Guo Tu, you can catch him yourself.

From Tian Feng's point of view, Guo Tu is full of flaws and will definitely make mistakes!

"I'm making a wish."

The reviewer and Jushou on the side looked at each other, and saw from each other's eyes: Marquis Dongyang, the master of a generation!

In this way, Liu Ke not only recruited Tian Feng, but also took the opportunity to beat Guo Tu.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As for Xu You, Liu Ke didn't keep him and let him go to Cao Cao.

The matter of surrender came to an end.

Regarding the appointment of personnel in Jizhou and Youzhou, Liu Ke still has a headache.

There are too few talents!

Shenpei, Jushou, Tian Feng, and Guo Tu have just come here, so of course Liu Ke is not at ease.

And Chen Deng was too young and lacked exercise to convince the public.

The same goes for Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun and others, with sufficient ability but insufficient qualifications.

Just when Liu Ke was having a headache, Guo Jia recommended someone.

"Changwen can govern Jizhou."

Although Chen Qun was also young, he took refuge with Liu Ke when he was still a teenager during the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

Sufficient ability and sufficient qualifications.

And Chen Qun's current position is the second in command of the household department, assisting Mi Zhu in handling various matters, and is a good hand in internal affairs.

Jizhou is very safe now, and only Cao Cao is bordering it.

Cao Cao has long been defeated by Liu Ke.

"It's really time for Changwen to come out and practice." Liu Ke agreed with Guo Jia's suggestion.

If Chen Qun had enough experience, he wouldn't have suffered a crushing defeat in Runan.

Therefore, the ability to stand alone is very important.Becoming the governor of a state is very tempering.

"It's just that I kicked Changwen out just after he was defeated. It seems unkind." Liu Ke said with a smile.

"He has to get out of this hurdle, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve great things." Guo Jia said, as if to say:

Chen Qun, I'm sold!

Chen Qun alone is not enough to control the entire Jizhou, so Liu Ke arranged Tian Feng and Guo Tu as his deputy.

It's just right for these two to hold each other back.

As for Youzhou, Liu Ke really didn't think of a suitable candidate.

Youzhou is a frontier, and the governor of Youzhou has the task of guarding the frontier, that is to say, this person must have military skills.

Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong are not suitable, and they are more inclined to internal affairs.

Around Liu Ke, there are many advisers with military talents, such as Jia Xu and Guo Jia, but Liu Ke is unwilling to send them abroad.

But there is no rush at the moment, Liu Ke will leave for Youzhou in the near future to solve the troubles on the grassland, and it will not be too late to make a decision at that time.

After Chen Qun received the appointment, even if he believed in Liu Ke, he couldn't help wondering whether he had fallen out of favor.

Therefore, he did not dare to stay in Yangzhou, but went straight to Jizhou.

It has been three days since Chen Qun arrived in Jizhou, and Liu Ke is already preparing for the expedition.

"Meet the lord!"

There seems to be such a trace of restraint.

When Liu Ke thought about it, he knew what was going on.Liu Ke asked everyone to retreat, leaving Chen Qun alone.

After all, Chen Qun was about to become a member of one party, so he should pay attention to his image and not show his weakness.

"Changwen, don't think too much, this is just a training for you. You have been with me for so long, it's time to come out and practice for a few years, and stand alone." Liu Ke said.

Chen Qun was still young and highly malleable, so he couldn't always be Mi Zhu's deputy in the future.

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