During the heyday of Wuhuan, it was true that the Han Dynasty was suppressed, but such days are gone forever.

Because Liu Ke took over Youzhou.

"Of course Wuhuan is not afraid of him, but Shanyu..." Yuan Shang hesitated to speak.

Which pot is not open to mention which pot!

The Tadun tribe is just the closest to the border of the Han Dynasty.Wuhuan is not the only one. In the farther north, there are more Wuhuan tribes.

It's just that Tadun can't command them.

So in the face of Liu Ke's [-] army, Tadun was still very timid, but he couldn't show it.

Wuhuan doesn't need a weak Shanyu.

"Hmph, the grassland is our home field. As long as the Marquis of Dongyang dares to enter the grassland, I will definitely let him come and go." Ta Dun said.

In fact, Tadun has already sent someone to ask for reinforcements, but there has been no response until now, because the weather is getting colder now.

Wuhuan seldom fights in winter.Most of their energy will be used to resist the severe winter.

Liu Ke is also not good at fighting in the cold winter, so he plans to have a decisive battle with Ta Dun within half a month.

"Report! A letter from the Marquis of Dongyang!" A list of personal guards rushed in.

Ta Dun had dealt with Gongsun Zan before Ta Dun, and his literacy was not a problem. The content of the letter was also very simple, that is, to ask Ta Dun to hand over the Yuan brothers.

This time, Liu Ke didn't even bother to send an envoy, and directly issued an ultimatum.

Ta Dun frowned, he really didn't want to fight Liu Ke at this time.

The odds are too small!

So, Tadun took another look at Yuan Shang.

Yuan Shang was quick to gain wisdom and said: "Shan Yu, you might as well take the strategy of delaying the army."

"What is a plan to slow down the army?" Ta paused.

"It's very simple, pretend to agree to Dongyanghou's request, but we also have to make some demands, bargain, delay time, and if you survive this winter, it will be your world." Yuan Shang said.

This suggestion is very in line with Ta Dun's intentions. As for keeping his promise, how can he get credibility without benefits?

"You are very smart." Ta Dun praised.

However, Yuan Shang couldn't be happy. If he didn't make up his mind, his own life would be lost.

Ta Dun followed Yuan Shang's suggestion and sent people to Youbeiping County.

You can hand it in, but Yangzhou has to pay [-] gold, some ironware, silk and satin...

Liu Ke hadn't read the "gift list" yet, so he became impatient.

Tadun is shameless!

"Cut the envoy and send it back to Tadun, do you really think Yuan Shang's life is so valuable?" Liu Ke said disdainfully.

"My lord...isn't this bad?" Ju Shou stuttered.

Ju Shou and Shen Pei knew Youzhou well, so Liu Ke took them with him on this expedition.

As the saying goes, when the two armies are at war, they will not be beheaded.If other people's envoys are cut off, others will naturally dare to cut off Yangzhou's envoys. Who in Yangzhou will dare to be envoys in the future?

Liu He couldn't help but be afraid, if it wasn't for his old relationship with Wuhuan, he might also be killed.

Everyone in Yangzhou has become accustomed to it. This is not the first time Liu has killed an envoy. Those who disliked him are basically killed.

Among Yuan Shang's thousands of warnings, the envoy of Wuhuan did not speak rudely, but it was a pity that he could not escape bad luck.

Who asked Tadun to make such an excessive request.

Among them, Gongsun Kang felt the deepest, because the envoy of Liaodong was once hung on the deck in the wind and sun, and became a mummy directly.

Liu Ke never relents when dealing with enemies.

"This is obviously a tactic to delay the attack. They are playing us for fools." Liu Ke said.

But Jushou still saved the envoy's life, saying: "My lord, we can do whatever we can."

The reason why Ta Dun sent envoys was because he didn't want to fight.If Liu Ke kills the envoy, I'm afraid Tadun will flee to the north, which is not conducive to hunting.

This is the advantage of aliens!

Run away if you can't fight, wait until you lick your wounds, and offend again.

On the contrary, if you let go of the messenger, you can paralyze him.

Tadun didn't think of spending the winter in the north, because it was so cold there that people would freeze to death.

Therefore, it is a good choice to follow the plan.

Liu Ke is not a murderous person, so he agreed with Jushou's plan and replied to Tadun:

Can!But the heads of Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi must be presented first.

The envoy couldn't be the master, so he went back and reported to Tadun.

When Yuan Shang heard the news, he was shocked and angry. Dongyanghou was so shameless that he compromised with a foreign race for his head.

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