What about your integrity?

However, Ta Dun saw a problem from it, that is, the Yangzhou Army continued to fight and needed rest.

Regardless of the fact that the Yangzhou Army has [-] soldiers, they participated in many battles.

Soldiers are people, not machines.

Ta Dun looked at Yuan Shang again.

Yuan Shang was terrified, and hurriedly said: "Shanyu, you can't be the first, otherwise you will not bow to Dongyanghou? You might as well ask Dongyanghou to donate [-] gold first."

Ta Dun thinks it makes sense, and he can still take the money and do nothing, killing two birds with one stone.

Yuan Shang breathed a sigh of relief, this kind of life is really too difficult.

If there is no interest to tie him down, Tadun will not look up to Yuan Shang.The reason why Ta Dun helped Yuan Shang was because he was still valuable.

Ta Dun wanted revenge, without the help of the Han people, it was almost impossible. He knew this very well, so he took in the Yuan brothers.

However, if Liu Ke offered a higher price, Tadun would not mind selling Yuan Shang.

When Liu Ke received Ta Dun's letter, he was even more sure that Ta Dun was delaying time.

Liu Ke wrote back:

Aren't Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi two heads?Cut off one first, and exchange the head for half a million gold.

Tadun was embarrassed, but he was really thinking about it.

Of course, Yuan Shang couldn't admit defeat, saying: "Shan Yu, you must not believe Dongyang Hou's words, he must be lying to you!"

"How do you know?" Tadun asked back.

"I..." Yuan Shang didn't know what to say, did he really send a head to prove it?

Yuan Xi on the side was trembling, wouldn't he choose me?

Please do not!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ta Dun is not a fool, and of course he wouldn't make friends.

So the negotiations were so deadlocked.

But Liu Ke never pinned his hopes on negotiations, and secretly assembled [-] Qingqi.

This amount was measured by Liu Ke.

This operation is a surprise attack, so it must not bring too many people, nor too few, [-] people is just right.

As for the commander-in-chief, of course Liu Ke will go out in person, Tai Shici and Lu Bu will be the deputy generals, and Dian Wei and Xu Chu will be the guards.

At this time, Ta Dun was immersed in the pleasure of deception.

It's also a great pleasure to fool Dongyanghou, isn't it?

Of course, Tadun had more important things to do, so he summoned Nanlou, Su Puyan, and Wu Yan.

Among them, Su Puyan claimed to be King Qiao, and once assisted Liu He in rebelling against Gongsun Zan.Wu Yan claimed to be the king of Khan and Lu, and once rebelled against Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun.

They were subdued by Qiu Liju and gathered together to form the majority.

These people are not good people.

Now that Qiu Liju is dead, Tadun has become Shan Yu in name, but everyone refuses to accept it.

But Ta Dun was the regent named by Qiu Liju, and the three of them dared not disobey, but they made a request.

Let Qiu Liju's son Lou Ban become Shan Yu and Ta Dun become king.

In Wuhuan, Shan Yu's status is even more noble. As for the various kings, there are too many types to count.

When we were in Yecheng, the enemy was in front of us, and everyone needed to be united, so they didn't dare to attack.

Now back on the grassland, the three kings are ready to move.

Tadun, you are not Shan Yu, you should be king!

How could Tadun compromise, so they have been negotiating till now.

"Lou Ban is too young to take on important responsibilities. When he becomes an adult, he will naturally be Shan Yu." Ta Dun said.

However, the three of them didn't believe Tadun's flicker, and the two sides couldn't stop arguing.

"Now Dongyang Hou's [-] troops are in Youzhou, do we still want to be torn apart?" Tadun scolded.

If there is a table here, it will definitely be overturned by him.

The three kings lowered their heads, but unfortunately they did not admit defeat.

Once Ta Dun occupies the position of Shan Yu for a long time, it will be hard to say what will happen in the future.

After the harshness passed, Ta Dun's tone softened, and said: "I am loyal to Lao Shanyu, how could I go against his wishes. It's just that Lou Ban is still a young eagle and needs to be sharpened. I swear here that I will become an adult in Lou Ban In the future, I will return to Shan Yu's position, if I break this oath, I will die in a hurry."

Grassland heavy oath.

Ta Dun's words were very sincere, and it was not easy for the three kings to continue to persecute him.

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