Ta stopped his breath, pulled out the dagger directly, pointed at Yuan Shang, and made another movement of wiping his neck.

Shan Yu wants to commit suicide?

This was Yuan Shang's first thought, which was very dangerous.It's just that he quickly overthrew it, because Ta Dun had already leaned over and lashed Yuan Shang's horse's ass with a whip.

The war horse suffered from pain and deviated from the direction.

Yuan Shang suddenly realized that they were fleeing separately, and then Yuan Xi and his personal guards followed.

The world is so big, where can we go?

Yuan Shang was at a loss at the moment, on the way to escape, he was at a loss!

Gradually, Yuan Shang fell behind, while Yuan Xi took the lead and rushed towards Liaoxi County.

Yuan Shang gritted his teeth and chased after him.

"Where to escape!" Lu Bu shouted.

Liu Ke abandoned the Wuhuan cavalry who were good at escaping, and pursued the remnants of Jizhou.

Liu Ke didn't stop until Yuan Shang and others ran into Liaoxi County.

Liaoxi County is Gongsundu's territory, if he breaks in rashly, it may cause unnecessary disputes.

Although Liu is not afraid, he has a better solution.

Yuan Shang ran to Liaoxi County, where else could he go besides relying on Gongsundu?

And Liu Ke only needs a letter to get the heads of two people.

Otherwise, it would be better to connect Youzhou and Lelang County together.

This is a temptation and a small trap.

Seeing that the pursuers disappeared, Yuan Shang heaved a sigh of relief and finally recovered his life. At the same time, he wondered why Dongyanghou didn't chase after him?

"Brother, thanks to your ingenuity." Yuan Shang said.

"It's nothing, it's just to save my life." Yuan Xi sighed.

"What to do next?" Yuan Shangdao, the two brothers looked at each other and reached an agreement.

Take refuge in Gongsundu!

The Marquis of Dongyang did not dare to enter Liaoxi County easily, and Gongsun Du, the king of Liaodong, was still very deterrent.

So, the two went to Liaodong County without stopping to visit Gongsundu.

At the beginning, Gongsun Du was not willing to accept the two of them, but Yuan Shang spoke eloquently, and said: "King of Liaodong, now Dongyang Hou is so powerful that he has captured Youzhou. Will your territory be too conspicuous?"

Gongsun Du was silent. He was located in a remote place and had almost no contact with the Central Plains Dynasty, so he called himself King of Liaodong.

But after Liu Ke came to Liaodong for a while, everything changed.

Unlike the imperial court, the Marquis of Dongyang attaches great importance to the land of Liaodong!

It can be seen from Dongyang Hou's acceptance of the enclave of Lelang County.

"Now, the Marquis of Dongyang has offended Wuhuan, and the victory he has won is only temporary. Once Tadun borrows troops from the north and gathers all the major tribes, how can the Marquis of Dongyang be an opponent?" Yuan Shang continued.

Gongsun Du has lived in Liaodong for a long time, of course he knows the horror of the Wuhuan cavalry, but they are usually scattered and attack each other.

Can Tadun really gather an army?

This point is worth reconsidering.

So Gongsun Du didn't agree to Yuan Shang immediately, but offered food and drink. At the same time, he sent his subordinates to send a letter to Gongsun Kang, asking him to come back as soon as possible.

Everything looks ok.

However, when Gongsun Kang heard the news that the Yuan brothers had fled to western Liaoning, he was stunned on the spot like a bolt from the blue.

"Marquis Dongyang, leave this matter to me. If the Yuan brothers don't leave, I will guarantee that the two will be arrested!" Gongsun Kang hurriedly rescued himself.

Before Liu Ke could speak, Gongsun Kang continued: "No, even if they leave, I will arrest them even if I don't eat or drink."

"Go, don't force yourself." Liu Ke comforted.

However, Liu Ke can be sure that this relief is of no use at all.

When Gongsun Kang left the camp, he was already sweating profusely, as if he had experienced a life-and-death battle.

Next, he dressed lightly, brought only more than a hundred cavalry guards, and ran for hundreds of miles without sleep, returning to Liaodong County.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When passing Liaoxi County, Gongsun Kang got a message.

The Yuan brothers became the guests of the father!

Gongsun Kang couldn't figure out why his father would do such a stupid thing.

Before that, Gongsun Du could be called the king!

He was born as a small official, and after being appointed as the prefect of Liaodong by Dong Zhuo, he was out of control until he was dubbed the "King of Liaodong".

How could such a person not be politically sensitive.

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