Knowing that the Yuan brothers are wanted by the Marquis of Dongyang, he even shielded them.

Where did IQ go?

However, after thinking about it, this is also an opportunity!

The Yuan brothers did not escape from Liaodong County, captured them, and had an explanation to the Marquis of Dongyang.

It must be the Yuan brothers' rhetoric that deceived their father.

I will correct my father's mistakes!

Gongsun Kang kept this belief and galloped, and returned to Xiangping in less than three days.

Although Gongsun Kang was exhausted at this moment, his eyes were determined.

Yang Yi had been waiting at the city gate for a long time. After seeing Gongsun Kang, she just wanted to go up to salute, but suddenly found that Gongsun Kang's temperament was completely different at this time.

If I had to describe it in one word, it would be murderous.

Even after seeing Yang Yi, Gongsun Kang did not stop and rode his horse into the city.

"Young master!" Yang Yi followed closely behind and called out, seeing that Gongsun Kang didn't intend to wait for him, she quickly got on a horse and chased after him.

And Gongsun Kang ran all the way, regardless of disturbing the people on the road.

This is something that has never happened before!

Yang Yi finally realized the importance of the problem, and shouted wildly while chasing.

Can someone please explain? !

Gongsun Kang was not in the mood to take care of it, so he went straight to the barracks and summoned his cronies.

A Thousand City Guards!

Yang Yi was taken aback and mobilized the army without authorization, which was a big taboo.

"Young master! Are you going to rebel?" Yang Yi shouted.

"Tell me, where are Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi?" Gongsun Kang said with a murderous look, leading a thousand troops.

He was so preoccupied with arresting them that he suddenly forgot that he didn't know where the Yuan brothers lived.

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't rebel!

"At the Yingbin Mansion."

This is the place where Gongsundu used to entertain the leaders of various tribes.

Without saying a word, Gongsun Kang led the army and went straight to the Yingbin mansion.

Yang Yi realized in an instant that it was something wrong with the Yuan brothers.

How did they offend the young master?

Yang Yi was puzzled, and hurriedly reported to Gongsun Du that only Gongsun Du could stop the crazy Gongsun Kang!

Gongsun Du was discussing important matters with Liu Yi, and after hearing the news, he asked, "Why is Kang'er hostile to the Yuan brothers?"

"This subordinate doesn't know." Yang Yi said.

Even if Yang Yi was his confidant, Gongsun Du couldn't help getting angry, and said, "Quickly ask!"

"My lord, please give me a handbook." Yang Yi said.

"Hmph!" Although Gongsun Du was angry, he still wrote an order in his own hand.

Yang Yi left immediately after receiving the written order, and when he arrived at the Yingbin Mansion, a bloody battle had already taken place here.

"Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi, get out of here, or I will set fire to you!" Gongsun Kang shouted.

Originally, Gongsun Kang wanted to take down the Yuan brothers with a thunderous force, but the Yuan brothers had been prepared for a long time. They didn't particularly trust Gongsun Du, so they kept sending people to pay attention to the movements in the nearby streets.

After discovering Gongsun Kang's army, he tried to communicate, but it didn't work.

Gongsun Kang did it directly!

Unexpectedly, the hundreds of guards left by the Yuan brothers were all elites, and both sides suffered losses from each other.

At this moment, the Yuan brothers were sticking to the Yingbin mansion, and when they heard that Gongsun Kang was going to set fire to it, they became anxious immediately.

"General Gongsun, please speak up if you have something to say!" Yuan Shang said in a low voice.

"Okay, come out and say, what kind of hero is hiding his head and showing his tail?" Gongsun Kang said.

Of course Yuan Shang didn't dare to go out, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

"There must be some misunderstanding..."

Yuan Shang wanted to fool around, but how could Gongsun Kang be fooled and ordered his subordinates to prepare torches.

"Wait a minute, young master!" Yang Yi hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

Gongsun Kang pushed Yang Yi away and threw the torch into the Yingbin Mansion himself, and the small fire was quickly extinguished.

"Fire the rocket!" Gongsun Kang said angrily.

"My lord, the lord has an order to let you go to the city lord's mansion!" Yang Yi said.

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