This person turned out to be Cao Cao's general Xiahou Dun!

Why did Xiahou Dun appear here?

At the same time, Xiahou Dun also had doubts in his heart, how could Dongyang Hou appear here?

Without saying a word, Dian Wei stepped forward with a knife and slashed at Xiahou Dun.

Just as Xiahou Dun was about to fight back, Tian Chou quickly stopped him:

"Wait a minute, generals!"

Liu Ke also signaled Dian Wei to stop, and Dian Wei stopped, but his body kept Liu Ke behind, for fear of Xiahou Dun's sudden attack.

Tian Chou stood in the middle and explained: "Brother Xiahou is my good friend. He was entrusted by me this time to help exterminate the bandits. He came alone and did not lead any troops."

Xiahou Dun put down his weapon first, expressing that he had no malice.

Cao Cao has already conceded defeat. Although Xiahou Dun is not convinced, it is impossible to violate the ban.

Seeing this, Dian Wei also put away his weapon, but he didn't take it lightly.

Liu Ke believed Tian Chou's words. If Xiahou Dun brought hundreds of attendants, the Yangzhou scouts would not have noticed, and a group of bandits would not pose a threat to Tianjiazhuang.

After Tian Chou's explanation, Liu Ke understood what happened.

It turned out that after Xiahoudun and Tian Chou went up the mountain, they found that the bandit camp was very empty, which was very strange.

Tian Chou thought about it for a while, and came up with a strategy, that is, he would bring people back to aid Zhuangzi, and Xiahou Dun would be in charge of ambush on both sides of the trail.

Sure enough, they waited for the sneaky bandit remnants.

Xiahou Dun did not miss this opportunity and wiped them out in one fell swoop.It was only then that he came back for a business trip, but he didn't expect to meet Liu Ke.

It was an accident.

Tianjiazhuang can be said to be a barren mountain, and the probability of Liu Ke appearing here is even smaller than that of Xiahou Dun.

However, after seeing Liu Ke, Xiahou Dun did not leave immediately, but stayed in Zhuangzi.

This is very abnormal!

Isn't he afraid that Liu Ke will be bad for him?

Presumably Xiahou Dun came with a mission.

As the host, Tian Chou entertained Liu Ke and Xiahou Dun.

But at the same table as Liu Ke, Xiahou Dun is still very reserved.

Xiahoudun was the descendant of Xiahouying, the imperial servant of the Western Han Dynasty, and Xiahouyuan's elder brother.He has a strong personality and is brave in battle.

When he was fourteen years old, someone humiliated Xiahou Dun's teacher, and he killed that person.

Don't look at Xiahou Dun's rough appearance, he spent most of his life in the army, but he still didn't forget to study, greeted the teacher in person, and asked for advice with an open mind.

When he was under Cao Cao's command, Xiahou Dun didn't have any outstanding record, but he was reused by Cao Cao because he had a good way of farming.

While staying in Yanzhou, severe drought and locust plagues followed one after another. Xiahou Dun cut off the Taishou River to form a pond. He carried the soil himself and led the soldiers to plant rice and plow the fields. The danger of food shortage was avoided, and the people all benefited.

The reason why Cao Cao's army had more food than Yuan Shao's was due to Xiahou Dun's contribution.

It's incredible that a general of Cao Cao's army appears here now.

"You don't need to introduce, do you?" Tian Chou looked at the expressions of the two parties, obviously knowing each other.

Liu Ke and Cao Cao have worked together for a while, and have met many times on the battlefield. Of course, the two sides are not strangers.

"Why did General Xiahou come here? It's not just to help." Liu Ke asked.

"Helping just happened at the right time." Xiahou Dun didn't hide anything, and continued, "Zitai is very knowledgeable, so he came here to invite him to work in Yanzhou."

Very honest!

If Xiahoudun concealed it, he might be looked down upon by Tian Chou. It was precisely because of this that Xiahoudun was so frank.

"Unfortunately, I also came here for Zitai," Liu Ke said.

Now, it was Tian Chou's turn to be embarrassed.It's good to be valued by others, but it's embarrassing to be valued by both parties. Tian Chou can't afford to offend either party.

"I appreciate the kindness of the two adults, but I am used to it in Xu Wushan, and Tian has no intention of becoming an official." Tian Chou said.

Tian Chou stayed here for his parents. Although his parents had passed away, Tian Chou was used to the life here and didn't want to change easily.

"Zitai Renyi, the prime minister needs a talent like you to serve the court, isn't it good?" Xiahou Dun said.


Fight in secret!

There is a hidden murderous intent in Xiahoudun's words, among which the word "imperial court" is his trump card.

Although Liu Ke is also a clan member of the Han Dynasty and has strong strength, he is not Xiandi after all.

The sign of Emperor Xian was fully utilized by Cao Cao.

"Brother Xiahou, I appreciate the prime minister's kindness, but I'm used to idle clouds and wild cranes, so I'm afraid I will fail this kindness." Tian Chou refused.

Xiahou Dun sighed, then looked at Liu Ke.

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