Liu Ke smiled slightly, and said, "Wuhuan is not broken yet, how about releasing Nanshan?"

Tian Chou was very surprised, and said, "What does the Marquis of Dongyang mean by this?"

In Tian Chou's view, Liu Ke has defeated Ta Dun, and the north has been stabilized.

"Ta Dun contacted the tribes in the north, planning to make a comeback, otherwise why would I let [-] soldiers blow the cold wind in the north." Liu Ke said.

Xiahou Dun's eyelids twitched, [-] Yangzhou soldiers, is this a threat?

However, after Dongyang Hou acquired Youzhou, he fell into hatred with other races, which is good news.

For a long time, the Marquis of Dongyang was unable to send troops to Yuzhou!

Cao Cao's army had discussed that after Dongyang Hou destroyed Yuan Shao, the next step should be to attack Yuzhou.

Yuzhou's important geographical location buffers the three major forces, Cao Cao, Liu Ke and Sun Ce.

No one dared to attack Yuzhou easily.

The situation is different now, Liu Ke is overwhelming, and Yuzhou is already in his pocket.

Xiahou Dun even had some expectations that Dongyanghou would be defeated in the north.In this way, Cao Cao had a chance to breathe.

"A comeback? Impossible." Tian Chou said, "There are so many Wuhuan tribes fighting with each other endlessly, how can we make them listen to him?"

"Everything is possible." Liu Ke said, "I have received news that Tadun has succeeded, and there will be a world-shattering battle in the spring of next year."

Liu Ke did not hide this news from Xiahou Dun, because the two sides are in a period of peace.Even if Cao Cao makes a comeback, the local defenders in Yangzhou and Xuzhou are enough to deal with it.

Tian Chou's face is solemn, a world-shattering battle?

You know, Liu Ke has just experienced a battle of millions of people. Even so, Liu Ke didn't use "shocking" to describe it.

"Can Wuhuan gather [-] troops?" Tian Chou asked in a low voice.

"Our army estimates at least [-]." Liu Ke said.

Tian Chou turned pale with shock, and said, "Impossible! How could Wuhuan be so united?"

Liu Ke waved his hand, indicating that he didn't know either.It cannot be said that Tadun summoned all the ministries under the banner of "the Marquis of Dongyang wants to destroy Wuhuan".

Wuhuan is already arrogant, what's more, after the promotion of improved varieties, the grain output in the Central Plains has skyrocketed.

What about Wuhuan?Productivity is still low, how could it not be coveted.

Wuhuan people live to grab food.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

For Tian Chou, the information provided by Liu Ke overturned his understanding of Wuhuan.

"Dongyanghou is telling the truth?" Tian Chou didn't believe that Liu Ke would cheat him, but the matter was unimaginable, so he couldn't help asking this sentence.

"It's absolutely true, so I need to be familiar with Wuhuan's guide, that's why I came to find Zitai." Liu Ke said.

"What does the Marquis of Dongyang want to do?" Tian Chou said.

"For the people of Youzhou, take the initiative to attack and nip Wuhuan in the bud." Liu Ke said firmly.

If what Liu Ke said is true, the [-] Wuhuan army going south will be an unprecedented disaster for the people of Youzhou.

Wuhuan has a murderous nature, and it is unknown how many people will be slaughtered. Even if they barely survive, they will become Wuhuan's captives. Life is worse than death.

Throughout the ages, defenses against aliens in the north have always relied on strong city walls.

Now that Liu Ke is taking the initiative to attack, besides thinking about the people of Youzhou, what else could it be?

Tian Chou was moved for a moment.

It is said that guarding the soil is responsible, but how many people can really do it?

Most of Liu Ke's lieutenant soldiers are from Yangzhou, and they don't have any sense of belonging to Youzhou.

But they still came to protect the people of Youzhou.

"Why? Why did Marquis Dongyang do this?" Tian Chou was a little puzzled.

"Whether it's Youzhou or Yangzhou, they are all people under the rule of the Han Dynasty, and we are all Han people." Liu Ke said.

We are all Chinese...

Tian Chou recited this sentence silently, feeling excited.

Xiahou Dun knew something was wrong when he saw it.The conditions he offered were so good that Tian Chou refused to accept them, and now Dongyang Hou's few words actually moved Tian Chou.

Why is the difference so big?

Isn't the official position in the imperial court and the stable life in Chang'an more attractive?

The reason why Xiahou Dun stayed here was to see Liu Ke's jokes. After all, Tian Chou really had no desires.

The reason why Tian Chou is like this is because Liu Yu was killed, he did not fulfill his duty as a minister, so he kept blaming himself.

Yuan Shang once came to recruit Tian Chou to be an official, but was rejected.

Now, it is such a hermit who has no desires and no desires, but he is about to come out of the mountain.

Is Dongyanghou's charm so great?

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