"If there is anything that can be used, Dongyang Hou just orders!" Tian Chou cupped his hands and said, he didn't mention the official position, and neither did Liu Ke.

"Great, with Zitai's help, I have a better chance of winning." Liu Ke said.

Xiahoudun couldn't stand it anymore, staying here would only be an eyesore, so he left without hesitation.

"Brother Xiahou, I'm sorry." Tian Chou apologized.

"Everyone has his own aspirations, you can't force them," Xiahou Dun said.

Tian Chou personally sent Xiahou Dun out of Zhuangzi, but Liu Ke did not go.

Xiahou Dun appeared here to recruit talents, which shows that Cao Cao is still not giving up, and is still developing wretchedly, waiting for the opportunity.

Regarding this, Liu Ke kept an eye on it.

"It is said that Cao Mengde is seriously ill. I think he is very energetic." Guo Jia laughed. Although he didn't say anything, it didn't mean that he was out of his mind. He had been observing Tian Chou and Xiahou Dun.

"That's right, in order to recruit a talent, a general like Xiahou Dun was specially dispatched," Liu Ke said.

Xiahou Dun's status is unusual, and sending him here is enough to prove that Cao Cao attaches great importance to this matter.

"Xiahoudun didn't expect that the lord would pick the peaches in such a timely manner. I'm afraid the journey back will not be peaceful." Guo Jia laughed.

"Hey, in order to please Tian Chou, Xiahou Dun spared no effort, and even helped wipe out the bandits," Dian Wei said happily.

"Okay, silence." Liu Ke said, because he found that Tian Chou had returned.

It's okay to talk about it behind the scenes, but it's a bit frivolous to say it in front of Tian Chou.

After saluting, Tian Chou sat down and said:

"Sorry for wasting your time."

"Seeing off friends is a beautiful story from ancient times. It's nothing to waste this little time." Liu Ke said.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is indeed a gentleman," Tian Chou said.

After a pause for a while, Tian Chou asked, "Facing Wuhuan's threat, how does the Marquis of Dongyang plan to attack?"

"The most difficult thing in fighting on the grassland is finding the enemy. People in the grassland come and go like the wind. If you want to fight them decisively, you have to look at their faces. This is very bad for us." Liu Ke said.

"What the Marquis of Dongyang said is very true, so I think that we should strike later." Tian Chou said.

But Liu Ke disagreed, saying: "Leave me the matter of marching and fighting. Zitai only needs to find the enemy. Maybe I didn't understand clearly enough. Wuhuan must have a place to gather the army. Where do you think?" the most possible."

Dongyang Hou is so radical!

Tian Chou didn't have time to feel emotional, but he still considered Liu Ke's question seriously, and came up with the answer in just a moment.

"White Wolf Mountain!"

On the current map, there are too many messy mountain names, which are called differently in different places. Liu Ke doesn't know where White Wolf Mountain is.

Tian Chou took out a self-made map and marked the location of Bailang Mountain for Liu Ke, which was more than a thousand miles away.

"White Wolf Mountain is one of Wuhuan's holy mountains, and there is a willow city next to it," Tian Chou said.

"So, is there a possibility of a surprise attack?" Liu Ke asked.


However, Tian Chou also knows Liu Ke's deeds, and he likes to use surprise attacks to win more with less.

"Ordinary roads may not work. It is thousands of miles away. It is almost impossible not to be discovered by Wuhuan Rangers." Tian Chou said.

I knew this was the case, but Liu Ke was not discouraged, and asked Tian Chou's words: "Is there any other way?"

"Yes, but they are all small roads. I'm afraid it will be difficult for a large army to pass through." Tian Chou said.

"Where?" Liu Ke asked.

"The Marquis of Dongyang can send troops from Lulongsai." Tian Chou said, "Lulongsai is a dangerous place, and it is a place that must be contested by military strategists. There is Rushui passing by, and Saidao goes from the east of Wuzhong County to Rushui, heading towards Lin Lanxing. It reaches Qingxing in the east. The danger of Lulong, the twists and turns of steep hills, is known as Jiuzheng."

Even if Liu Kebo has a strong memory, he doesn't have a big impression at the moment. Lu Longsai recorded it in the history books, but only a few words.

"Lulongsai has been in disrepair for a long time, and the roads are not smooth. If Dongyang Hou wants to pass through, he still needs to repair it." Tian Chou said.

"Well, this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke didn't fight uncertain battles, and now that he wasn't even familiar with the terrain, he definitely wouldn't attack rashly, let alone a dangerous attack method like a surprise attack.

Next, Liu Ke chatted with Tian Chou about some details and got a better understanding of Lu Longsai.

This chat lasted one night, and the two were very excited. Guo Jia would put forward his own suggestions from time to time, and Liu Ke gradually perfected his plan.

"However, I still have to go to Lulongsai myself," Liu Ke said.

"Dongyang Hou can rest for a few days first, and when I make arrangements for Zhuangzi's affairs, I will take Dongyang Hou there immediately." Tian Chou said.

"Okay." Liu Ke agreed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It took Tian Chou three days to deal with all the affairs in Zhuangzi.

Liu Ke then set off for Lulongsai.

Lulongsai is not very far from here. It is located at the easternmost foot of Xuwu Mountain, between the two mountains.

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