On the left is Meishan, and on the right is Yunshan.

Due to the steep terrain, it took Liu Ke's team a whole day to reach Lulongsai.

When Liu Yu was there, there was still a garrison in Lulongsai, but after Gongsun Zan became the lord of Youzhou, he established a powerful cavalry, and foreign races did not dare to invade easily.

In Yuan Shao's time, Lu Longsai was even more useless, because Yuan Shao and Qiu Liju had a good relationship, and Wuhuan did not cause trouble.

What Liu Ke saw was a dilapidated fortress with few people.

Lulongsai is a city built on the hillside, with three walls forming a defense system in the shape of "日".It's just that the first city wall has been damaged, and the second city wall is not much better.

The outer main city wall is five feet high, three feet wide, and one hundred feet long.

"This building is called Wangri Building." Tian Chou introduced.

At both ends of the main city wall, auxiliary walls were built according to the mountain situation, and each city wall also had a floor.

The one standing on Meishan Mountain is called Meilou, and the one built on Yunshan Mountain is called Yunlou.Starting from the auxiliary walls on both sides, it extends to the farther mountains.

The Han Dynasty built a city wall about two hundred miles here to prevent Wuhuan from invading.

A hundred steps back from the main city wall, another tall tower was built between the two mountains. The height and width of the city wall were the same as the main city wall, and it was fifty feet long.

The upper floor is named Lulong, hence the name Lulongsai.

It can be said that Lulongsai's defense force is very strong, and it is an important stronghold to resist the invasion of alien races.

It's just that now the army is in turmoil and the Central Plains is constantly fighting, so no one pays attention to this place anymore.

"Lulongsai is a good place. Youzhou should re-establish fortifications here." Liu Ke said.

"Dongyang Hou Yingming!" Tian Chou bowed.

Although Liu Ke intends to completely solve Wuhuan's troubles, nomads are like weeds, they will flourish if you don't pay attention, so the necessary vigilance is still needed.

"Brother, I have checked the fort, and it is not occupied by bandits." Dian Wei said.

In order to prevent a crisis, Dian Wei investigated Lu Longsai in advance.

"Lulongsai's terrain is steep, it's inconvenient to travel, and there's no land for planting. Foreign races will visit here from time to time, so no one wants to come here." Tian Chou explained.

"There are other races?" Dian Wei asked cautiously.

"Since this place has been abandoned, foreigners rarely come here." Tian Chou said.

However, Dian Wei did not take it lightly, and sent people to guard everywhere.If a foreign race appears, at least someone will warn them.

It has to be said that Dian Wei is still very careful in protecting Liu Ke.

Liu Ke acquiesced to Dian Wei's actions, and then took Guo Jia and Tian Chou into the fortress.

Through observation, Liu Ke found out.

Luronse is a natural pass.

The terrain on the south side of this place is relatively flat, with an altitude of only a hundred meters, but when it comes to the north side, it rises abruptly to a height of a thousand meters.

Vehicles and horses used to pass here unimpeded, and it has always been the main channel for entering and leaving the Hebei Plain outside the Great Wall.

Liu Ke boarded the Lulong Tower and looked at the entire pass.

The so-called tall and majestic, majestic and imposing, probably means this.

However, after all, it still cannot withstand the erosion of the years.

Lulongsai has been in disrepair for a long time, and many city walls have collapsed. Of course, the main body has not been damaged, but the upper layer has been reinforced.

Then Liu Ke finally knew why Lulongsai was deserted, because the roads were no longer smooth.

Due to landslides, the road has been buried, and it is difficult for pedestrians to pass, let alone the heavy-duty army.

"How much time and manpower will it take to clear the main road?" Liu Ke asked.

Tian Chou made an estimate and said, "[-] people work for more than a month."

"It's been too long." Liu Ke said.

"Dongyanghou, winter has come, when the snow will fall heavily, the difficulty of work will increase." Tian Chou said.

Of course Liu Ke knew that the cold winter in the North would kill people.

If it was the past, if [-] people were mobilized to dig mountain roads, thousands of people would freeze to death.

The Yangzhou army has sufficient supplies, which can reduce casualties, but people will still die in the end.

As for waiting until the beginning of spring next year, it will be too late, I am afraid that Wuhuan will come to Youzhou.

"In short, send [-] troops to this place first, recruit stonemasons, and repair Lulongsai." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke doesn't have only one way to go, it's just that the soldiers follow Lulongsai and can catch him by surprise.

If the difficulty is too high, Liu Ke will not continue to persist.

But now it seems that there is no solution.

"If you are given [-] people, are you sure you can open the way?" Liu Ke asked Tian Chou, "One month will be the deadline."

"Sure!" Tian Chou nodded.

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