"Just working in winter, I'm afraid it will frostbite the civilian husband." Tian Chou said worriedly.

"Not civilian husbands, but [-] Wuhuan captives." Liu Ke said.

Liu Kehui feels sorry for the people under his rule, but Wuhuan captives can be used if they can.

"If it's from Wuhuan, isn't the Marquis of Dongyang afraid of leaking the news?" Tian Chou said.

[-] people is not a small number, if they are careless and some people escape, and they return to the grassland to tell Tadun, wouldn't their efforts be in vain?

"I will send someone to watch over it," Liu Ke said.

It is not an easy task to be on duty in the snow.

Tian Chou originally wanted to say a few words, but Liu Ke's decision cannot be changed.

If someone must be sacrificed, the Wuhuan people are enough.

Whether it is common people or soldiers, Liu Ke will not let them die worthlessly.

After the discussion, Liu Ke did not leave Lulongsai directly, but explored around for a few days, and even went to the grassland through the trail.

As Tian Chou said, there are few people here, and it is indeed possible to catch people by surprise.

However, too few troops could pass through.

According to everyone's estimates, if Ta Dun wanted to take revenge, he would definitely call in more than half a million troops, otherwise he would just come to die.

The total number of cavalry in Yangzhou is less than [-], so there is no advantage at all.

Although it was a surprise attack, Liu would not underestimate any enemy.

In other words, it can only be used as a surprise soldier here?

For the past few days, Liu Ke has been thinking about this question, but he still hasn't gotten an answer.

After Liu Ke confessed everything to Guo Jia, he said:

"Feng Xiao, what do you think?"

Send all the cavalry to raid Liucheng, or select some elites, and wait until the decisive battle to suddenly break out.

Faced with Liu Ke's question, Guo Jia didn't have an answer in his heart, so he could only comfort him: "My lord, we still have time to think about it."

Liu Ke nodded, they still have one more winter, and there will always be a solution.

The real decisive battle will be next spring.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke handed over the repair work of Lulongsai to Tian Chou, and let the Tibetan tyrant command the army to supervise the Wuhuan prisoners.

Next, Liu Ke will go to Yuyang Yongnu, which is modern Tianjin.

When Liu Bei was working in Pingyuan County, Tian Yu once took refuge in him and followed Liu Bei to Xuzhou. However, his mother was old and sick, and Tian Yu asked to return to his hometown.

Liu Bei wept and bid farewell to Tian Yu, saying: "I just wish I could not build a great cause with you."

Soon after, Tian Yu defected to Gongsun Zan and served Gongsun Zan, but the good times didn't last long. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao joined forces to defeat Gongsun Zan.

At that time, Tian Yu was attracted by Cao Cao's courage and wanted to join him.However, Yuan Shao prevented this.

You don't take refuge in me, but go to Cao Mengde, do you look down on me?

Tian Yu did not dare to offend Yuan Shao, because Youzhou was ruled by Yuan Shao.So Tian Yu returned to his hometown, Yuyang Yongnu, and did not care about world affairs.

As soon as Liu Ke arrived at Yongnu, he easily found out where Tian Yu lived.

In this era, those who have been officials are all big shots, even if they lose their official positions, they are still very famous in the local area.

Liu Ke came directly to Tian Yu's mansion to visit, and as soon as he revealed his official identity, the servant rushed to report to Tian Yu.

After Tian Yu learned that the governor of Youzhou had come, he also didn't dare to neglect and went out to greet him in person.

Liu Ke took a look at Tian Yu, he was so young, he looked less than twenty years old, he was a young man with full of vigor.

You know, Tian Yu has been an official for several years.

Tian Yu also looked at Liu Ke, and said in surprise, "Dongyanghou!" His mouth was open enough to eat an egg.

"Please, nobleman!" Tian Yu said respectfully.

Liu Ke smiled and walked into the Tian mansion.

Tian Yu is considered a big family in Yongnu, but the mansion is very ordinary, nothing special, if you have to describe it, it is "solid".

Under the guidance of Tian Yu, Liu Ke came to the living room, and everyone sat down as the guest of honor.Before sitting down, Tian Yu bowed to Liu Xing.

"I don't know why the Marquis of Dongyang came all the way here, why?" Tian Yu asked, although he was young, he was very experienced in dealing with things, and the few years of wandering made him grow up very fast.

"Come here for the country's surrender, and to break Wuhuan, the three prefectures." Liu Ke said.

"Didn't the Marquis of Dongyang smash Wuhuan a while ago?" Tian Yu asked in surprise.

"Wuhuan will make a comeback next spring," Liu Ke said.

Tian Yu was not surprised at all, and said, "Wuhuanzi will take revenge, Dongyanghou must be careful."

"What's Guorang's opinion?" Liu Ke asked directly.

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