"Then let me introduce the forces in the north to Dongyang Hou." Tian Yu said.

"I would like to hear the details." Liu Ke cupped his hands.

Tian Yu also returned the gift, and then continued:

"Wuhuan is one of the nomadic peoples in the north, also known as Karasuma.

The Wuhuan tribe was originally a branch of the Donghu tribal alliance. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, after the Xiongnu broke the Donghu tribe, the tribe moved to Wuhuan Mountain, so the mountain was named after it.

In the fourth year of Emperor Wu Yuanshou, the Han army defeated the Xiongnu and drove them out of Monan.

Seeing the prosperity of the Han Dynasty, Wuhuan became a vassal and moved south to Shanggu, Yuyang, Youbeiping, Liaoxi, and Liaodong five prefectures outside the Great Wall to serve as herdsmen to rule over the Xiongnu on behalf of the Han Dynasty.

In the [-]th year of Emperor Guangwu Jianwu, Wuhuan moved from the five counties outside the Great Wall to the south of the Great Wall to Liaodong, Yuyang and the ten counties on the edge of Shuofang inside the Great Wall.

The two southward relocations made Wuhuan comfortable and began to proliferate, under the jurisdiction of the Han Huan Xiaowei.

In order to facilitate the rule, the governor of Youzhou divided Wuhuan into several tribes, each of which acted independently, and never formed a unified tribal alliance.

During the stable period of the Han Dynasty, Wuhuan made great contributions to guarding the frontier.Now that the Central Plains is in chaos, Wuhuan is ready to move.

In order to facilitate the distinction, Tian divided Wuhuan into domestic Wuhuan and overseas Wuhuan.As for Qiu Liju Shanyu, most of Wuhuan's troops in the territory belonged to Tadun, and it was this tribe and its alliance that the Marquis of Dongyang defeated. "

Tian Yu spoke in great detail, and Liu Ke listened carefully.Tian Yu knew more about Wuhuan than Tian Chou.

"Wuhuan in the territory is not dominated by Tadun's family. There is also Daijun Wuhuan, whose king is Nengchen Di. Nengchen Di is ambitious. Rebellion is only a matter of time." Tian Yu said.

Liu Ke silently memorized the name, and Neng Chendi is likely to join Tadun's alliance.

"How many people are there in his department?"

"About one hundred thousand." Tian Yu said.

It is true that Tadun's power is much smaller than Tadun's, but Tadun has been reduced to a second-rate tribe after being attacked by Liu Ke'er.

"Outside Karasuma is dominated by Gu Jin. This person is known as King Karasuma. He has great ambitions. During the period of war in the Central Plains, he has swallowed up all the tribes and is very powerful." Tian Yu continued.

Tian Yu thought for a while, and said: "If the bones come out in full force, you can send [-] troops."

In this way, it was no problem for Wuhuan to assemble an army of [-] troops.

Liu Ke's complexion suddenly became solemn. At first, it was just everyone's speculation, but Tian Yu almost came up with a definite answer.

The three major forces listed by Tian Yu are enough to assemble an army of [-]. Once there are additional allies, next spring, Liu Ke will face a foreign army of a million.

"Dongyanghou, be careful." Tian Yu reminded.

"Although the foreign race is powerful, we are not powerless to resist." Liu Ke said.

Tian Yu believed in this sentence very much. If Yangzhou was mobilized and millions of troops marched northward, the foreign race would also stay away.

The strength of the alien race lies in the fact that it comes and goes like the wind, and it is still very empty to confront the well-armored Yangzhou army head-on.

What's more, the Yangzhou Army still has a powerful crossbow array.

It's a pity that no foreigner with a little brain will rush up obediently and let the Yangzhou army shoot and kill them.

"Further north of Wuhuan outside the border is Xianbei. It also came from Donghu, but after the defeat, they retreated to Xianbei Mountain and took Xianbei as their family name.

After the Xiongnu split, the Xianbei people gradually got rid of their control. In order to resist oppression, Xianbei defeated the Huns in two battles, which is evident in their bravery.

My Han people can still communicate with Wuhuan, and Wuhuan also learns Han culture, but Xianbei is different.

Xianbei people are extremely cruel and only recognize force.

Compared with Wuhuan, Xianbei is the real nomad.Under the influence of Han Chinese culture, Wuhuan has already started farming.

Among Xianbei, Ke Bineng, Suli, and Budugen are the most powerful. "Tian Yu introduced.

Since Xianbei is too far away from Youzhou, Tian Yu didn't go into details.

However, Liu Ke already has a general understanding of the north.

"Guorang is still young, and it's a shame to live in seclusion here." Liu Ke said, vaguely proposing to solicit.

However, before Liu Ke could continue talking, Tian Yu got up, cupped his hands and said, "I am willing to serve Dongyang Hou!"

I promised very simply!

Tian Yu has a deep understanding of the situation. The Marquis of Dongyang has already overwhelmed the Central Plains, and the great cause is about to be achieved. If he does not seek refuge now, when will he have to wait?

Tian Yu also wants to make contributions.

"Okay!" Liu Ke was very happy, and there was another general under his command.

Tian Yu is very familiar with Wuhuan, and will be very helpful to Liu Ke's next deployment of troops.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The heavy snow in Youzhou has come.

In order to survive this winter, Liu Ke transferred millions of shi of grain from Yangzhou, so the grain in Youzhou was very sufficient.

Winter clothes and quilts are also ready.

In order to save this expense, Lu Su once wrote to Liu Ke, allowing the army to return to Yangzhou for the winter, and then go north in the spring.

This suggestion was rejected by Liu Ke. Some money can be saved, but some cannot.

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