The war opportunity is fleeting, and Liu Ke dare not take risks.Moreover, it is also very important to exercise the cold resistance of soldiers.

In fact, Youzhou is not bad, without the frozen three feet of the northern grasslands, if you can't even survive the cold, there is no way to conquer the north.

The army was large in number, so they did not enter the city, but stationed outside the city. Liu Ke also lived in the barracks, fighting the severe cold with the soldiers.

As soon as he opened the camp, the cold wind filled his eyes.

Liu Ke led the generals to inspect the barracks, and now the whole barracks is quiet.

"My lord, there's no need to go out in such a cold weather, right?" Lu Bu said. His clothes were very thin and he wasn't afraid of the cold.

Lu Bu's hometown is in Bingzhou, Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan County, which is modern Inner Mongolia, and the severe cold in Youzhou is nothing to him.

"For a general, it's not about how to be comfortable, but about facing up to difficulties." Liu Keyu said earnestly.

"Taught!" Lu Bu clasped his fists together.

Since following Liu Ke, Lu Bu has changed a lot.Of course, this is also because Liu Ke is powerful, which makes Lu Bu admire him very much.

After walking for several miles, Liu Ke discovered a problem. There were almost no soldiers in the camp.

"A military camp is an important place, and the defense must not be slackened. The necessary patrols must be arranged." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, the general has already made arrangements, but the weather is cold and there are no enemies around. The general will let the patrolling soldiers travel every hour." Zhao Yun said.

"It's good to be sympathetic to your subordinates. You can prepare some hot soup for the soldiers on patrol," Liu Ke said.

"The last general will make arrangements." Zhao Yun said.

Liu Ke did the math, there are still more than two months before spring, and now the soldiers are doing nothing, how much combat power will they have in two months?

No matter how elite the Yangzhou army is, I am afraid that after two months of rest, they will be soft-handed.

In spring, they have to face powerful enemies.

For exercise, we must not only rely on the soldiers' self-consciousness.

"Arrange morning exercises." Liu Ke said without doubt.

Zhao Yun hesitated to speak, but Guo Jia, who was shivering from the cold, said, "My lord, I'm afraid that the soldiers will complain."

With Liu Ke's prestige, of course such a thing would not happen, Guo Jia was just taking precautions.

Guo Jia's meaning is very simple, the trust of soldiers should not be wasted on such places.

Of course Liu Ke understood this truth, so he backed off a step and said, "Then change to winter exercises, no matter what the weather is like, exercise for two hours a day."

"Follow your orders!" Everyone said in unison.

"If the soldiers feel unwell, they are allowed to ask for leave." Liu Ke said, "If they ask for leave more than three times, they will be sent back to Yangzhou."

Military governance must be strict.

If Liu Ke was just blindly benevolent, he wouldn't bring out a strong army.

It is not enough that soldiers are willing to fight for him, but their physical fitness must also keep up.

After inspecting for a long time, Liu Ke returned to the camp without finding anything unusual.

Winter exercise is really not a good idea, so Liu Ke decided to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

It can not only exercise the body, but also make the soldiers feel happy.

After thinking for a while, Liu Ke decided to hold a snowball throwing contest and recorded the rules.

The next day, Liu Ke announced the matter, and the winning team will be rewarded with [-] gold.

This is not a simple game, but a battle.

Each game is divided into three games, one is fighting on flat ground, and the two sides compete with each other.

In the second game, Party A builds fortifications with snowflakes, and Party B is responsible for the attack.

In the third game, the offense and defense changed.

And the way to determine the outcome is also very simple, capture the handsome flag!

In the first game, both sides have handsome flags, which can be moved in the designated venue, and the game time is not limited.In the second and third rounds, the defender holds the handsome flag, and the handsome flag is fixed, and can build fortifications around it. The attacking side has half an hour.

You can use your body to defend, but there is only one way to attack, and that is to throw snowballs.

Of course, there are many rules in it, so I won't list them one by one.

As soon as the news came out, the soldiers were excited.

Although the weather is cold, everyone doesn't want to eat and sleep when they are full, and eat when they are full.

The Yangzhou Army is not so decadent yet.

So, all of them signed up, which was originally an activity of the whole army.

However, this exhausted the general.

With [-] people, how many venues are needed to ensure that the game can be played?

can not imagine.

However, Liu Ke's will was carried out.

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