Because of the enthusiasm of the soldiers, it is impossible to stop now.

"My lord really gave us a problem!" Guo Jia said with a headache.

For a camp of [-] people, it takes a day to ride a horse from the beginning to the end.

Not to mention holding a competition.

"This is to exercise everyone's coordination ability. If you can't even hold the competition well, how can you talk about fighting?" Liu Ke said.

One of the reasons why Yangzhou is invincible is that orders are prohibited and the army is unparalleled.

Although [-] people is a bit exaggerated, as long as you put in the effort, you can definitely complete it.

"My lord's words are reasonable." Zhuge Liang said, eager to try at the same time, which is a great exercise of one's ability.

"Now let the soldiers start free practice, and you have to come up with a charter during this time." Liu Ke said.

"Please don't worry, my lord!" Pang Tong said, with stars in his eyes.

Liu Ke couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, Guo Jia is afraid of trouble, and the younger generations desperately want to show.

"The subordinates are also willing to help." Lu Xun interrupted suddenly.

After the last battle, Lu Xun realized his own shortcomings, so he has been listening more and talking less recently. Now this opportunity cannot be missed.

"Okay, the specific rules and regulations will be handed over to Kong Ming, Shi Yuan and Boyan. If there is any need for help, just tell me and I will arrange staff." Liu Ke said.

The implication is, don't be afraid that your qualifications are not enough, and you can't arrange some old fritters, I will support you.

We are all smart people, and we can hear it in an instant.

"Why bother my lord, you can find me if you have anything." Xu Shu said enthusiastically.

Several people were born in the imperial examination, and they have fellowship.

So, with the efforts of everyone, the contest was held seven days later.

The [-] Yangzhou Army began to move, with more enthusiasm than fighting, and there were shouts of competition everywhere.

The mere cold winter is nothing at all.

Seeing this scene, Tian Yu admired even more, the Marquis of Dongyang commanded his troops well!

I am more confident about this battle.

The competition lasted for more than a month, and the Yangzhou Army exercised their muscles and bones and maintained their best condition.

As for the rewards, they have long been forgotten by everyone, and the outcome is the most important thing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Liu Ke mobilized the enthusiasm of his subordinates, he didn't care about it anymore, and only occasionally attended a few important games.

Time flies, and winter will soon be over.

"Are the combat supplies ready?" Liu Ke asked.

"Iron Bull City is already in urgent production." Guo Jia said.

In the war of the cold weapon era, the victory or defeat often depends on the command art of the generals and the bravery of the soldiers.

However, this is not absolute, and technology is also one of the decisive factors.

During the Western Han Dynasty, several useful inventions appeared in order to fight against the cavalry of the Huns.

Among them, the representative weapon is the Huan Shou Dao, which is the predecessor of Tang Mo Dao and is very sharp.

According to records, this kind of knife can cut off the Hun knife directly when it collides with the Hun knife, so the Hun soldiers suffered a lot in close combat.

There are also Wugang vehicles in the same position.

The Wugang chariot was formed by Dongfang Shuo himself, and made great achievements in conquering the Huns.

The Wugang chariot is two meters high and one meter wide, and its front is covered with spikes. Anyone who gets close to it will be killed by the spikes on it.

This is the brilliance of the Wugang chariots. If you line them up, you can squeeze the enemy out like clearing roadblocks.

And what Liu Ke asked Tieniu City to produce was the ballista cart.

Simply put, the Ballista Chariot is an enhanced version of the Wugang Chariot.

Ballista vehicles not only have defensive capabilities, but also take into account the methods of melee and long-range attacks.

Fighting on the grassland, they can form a temporary city wall, and will become Liu Ke's ace killer.

"Further speed up and transport the ballista carts that have been manufactured to Youzhou first." Liu Ke said.

"Obey!" Guo Jia said.

"The transportation of cement should also be accelerated." Liu Ke said.

If it is an encounter, the Wugang chariot will become a temporary position.If it is a premeditated decisive battle, cement will play a magical role.

So Liu Ke spared no effort to prepare.

"By the way, there must be enough arrows, and a million arrows are far from enough." Liu Ke said.

If you can use long-distance combat to deal with the enemy, you will never use melee combat. This is Liu Ke's combat philosophy, to protect the lives of soldiers as much as possible.

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