Seeing his generals speaking one after another, Liu Ke was very pleased. With such a group of capable men, why worry about the world being unhappy.

As a newcomer, Tian Yu sat very quietly.

However, Tian Yu was very envious of such an atmosphere, and everyone spoke freely, even if they overstepped, Liu Ke would not pursue it.

"By the way, send someone to keep an eye on Yanzhou and Bingzhou, don't be touched behind." Liu Ke said.

The possibility of Cao Cao sending troops is very small, but Liu Ke is unwilling to take risks. What if Cao Cao goes crazy?

"This matter has been handed over to Gongda," Guo Jia said.

"That's good." Liu Ke breathed a sigh of relief. Xun You was still very safe in his work. With him watching Cao Cao, Liu Ke could let go of his hands and feet.

In fact, even if Cao Cao had this idea, he couldn't implement it, because Liangzhou was in chaos again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Han Sui was capricious and beheaded Cao Cao's envoy.

For this reason, Cao Cao was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Sima Yi suggested that Cao Cao pacify Liangzhou with thunderous force, but was rejected.

Because Cao Cao didn't want to send troops at this time, it would attract Liu Ke's attention.

The demise of Yuan Shao frustrated the spirit of Cao Cao's army.

Now Cao Cao doesn't dare to do anything, even if he does, he does it secretly, and he definitely doesn't dare to say anything.

Liu Ke was just a little distracted to monitor the west, the main enemy still came from the north.

Tadun has become a trend.

In order to motivate everyone, Liu Ke started offering rewards before the battle started.

Tadun's head is worth two hundred thousand gold!

The rest of the leaders range from [-] to [-] gold.

This amount of money can only be used by the rich and powerful Yangzhou.

Liu Ke ordered the notice to be posted all over the army, and the generals read it aloud in public.

There was an uproar immediately.

This is two hundred thousand gold!

The assets of a small businessman are nothing more than that.

The soldiers went crazy, wishing they could take their weapons and go to the north to kill Tadun.

In the eyes of Yangzhou soldiers, Tadun is a sweet pastry, a sweet pastry worth [-] gold.

"A mere Wuhuan dares to rebel, when the time comes, I will use their Shanyu's head as a chamber pot!"

"A two hundred thousand gold chamber pot? You are too extravagant!"

"If you want a reward, you want a head. When you are upset, just beat him on the head!"

Tadun's head is mine... Proclamations like these spread throughout the army.

After the snowball fight, everyone was full of energy and did not become sluggish because of the severe winter.

This is also Liu Ke's good intentions.

"Master, you are too unfair." Guo Jia complained.

"Why is it unfair?" Liu Ke said.

"What about our advisers and civil servants? We also want a bounty!" Guo Jia said, his tone a little sad and angry.

Liu Ke was speechless. The rewards for Guo Jia and others have never been less.

But this guy doesn't know how the money is spent, and his family is always poor.

In short, except for household use, just don’t keep money at home!

Guo Jia was moved by the [-] reward reward.

"Don't interrupt, the soldiers charge into battle, they are fighting with their lives, and the reward of [-] gold is very fair." Liu Ke said.

"It's just a joke." Guo Jia waved his hand and signaled Liu not to be serious.

It is conceivable how much sensation the two hundred thousand gold caused.

Gradually, even the nearby people knew about it, and they picked up hatchets one after another, as if they wanted to finish off before the army.

After Liu Ke received the information, he couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly ordered to add that the bounty was only valid for soldiers.

Then, there were many more people who joined the army for no reason in the barracks, good and bad.

Liu Ke ordered people to persuade them to leave.

The Yangzhou Army is not the Yellow Turban Army, it is wanted by people, which will lead to low combat effectiveness.

Liu Ke has formulated a strict screening system, and those who do not meet the standards cannot join the army.

Three days later, the enthusiasm for the bounty slowly faded, and it was brewing at the same time. The real start was after the expedition.

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