During this period, Liu Ke also received documents from Chen Qun in Jizhou. Now everything in Jizhou is stable and nothing major has happened.

In this way, Liu Ke also felt relieved and concentrated on dealing with the threat from the north.

and a meeting was called accordingly.

Everyone sat together, and Tian Chou also rushed back from Lulongsai just to attend the meeting.

"Ta Dun is plotting something wrong, everyone knows it. Now we need to determine our combat policy, what good ideas do you have?" Liu Ke said.

Although Liu Ke already had a draft in mind, as a commander, he still had to brainstorm.

Maybe there will be fantastic ideas.

"My lord, there are so many people in Wuhuan, there is no one in Youzhou to support such an army except us. If we stick to it, the enemy will retreat without a fight." Jia Xu suggested.

Even if the production of Youzhou did not stagnate, the army assembled by Wuhuan would not be able to support it.

Youzhou is very poor, and many places are difficult to cultivate.

It is not that the land is not suitable for cultivation, but that the situation is unstable.

For example, you planted an acre of land, but the result was not yet fully mature, and the robbers helped you harvest it.

It's still a good bandit.

Some little villains waited for you to harvest, and then came to rob you, but the government ignored them.

In this way, will you still plant it?

This is also one of the reasons why the Yellow Turban Rebellion and national production stagnation.

"Wuhuan has always supported war with war. If they stick to it, they will only gain an inch and endanger the people." Liu Ke said.

"You can fortify the walls and clear the fields, and force the people to enter the city." Jia Xu said.

In order to win, Jia Xu doesn't care about the wishes of the people.

"Let's discuss this matter again." Liu Ke said, also tactfully refused.

Jia Xu returned to his original position.

Then everyone made several suggestions, none of which met Liu Ke's expectations.

Liu Ke looked at Tian Chou, Tian Chou understood, and came out and said: "My lord, the repair work in Lulongsai has been completed, the road has been cleared, and there is no hindrance to the passage of cars and horses."

"Very good." Liu Ke said.

"Lulongsai has always been a battleground for military strategists. It is an important stronghold connecting the inside of the pass and the outside of the pass. However, due to the war in the Central Plains, cavalry is used to check and balance against foreign races. This pass has gradually disappeared from people's sight. If the Lord's soldiers leave Lu Long Sai will definitely catch him off guard." Tian Chou said.

Tian Chou took out a map, pointed out the marching route, and said: "From Lulongsai, passing through "Baitan", "Pinggang" and other places, the whole journey is about a thousand miles..."

Tian Chou talked for half an hour.

Everyone listened with great interest, but no one interrupted.

"That's the general plan." Tian Chou said.

"I'm afraid Lu Longsai can't accommodate [-] troops." Zhuge Liang said.

"That's true, so I plan to deploy a surprise army to assist the main battlefield." Liu Ke said.

"This battle plan is named: frontal assault, surprise soldiers out of Lulong."

"Wonderful!" Zhuge Liang exclaimed.

"What do you think is the appropriate number of Raiders?" Liu Ke asked.

"Within one hundred thousand." Guo Jia said.

"More than fifty thousand." Zhuge Liang said.

In Liu Ke's plan, all the soldiers who leave Lulongsai are cavalry, and they are more mobile, so that they can attack in a roundabout way.

"Since this is the case, let Zilong be the commander, Ziyi be the deputy general, command [-] cavalry, and leave Lulongsai." Liu Ke said.

"The last general takes orders!" Zhao Yun and Tai Shici said in unison.

This is an honor and a mission.

"Zitai is with the army." Liu Ke continued.

Tian Chou took a step forward and cupped his hands as a signal.

Now there is not much time before the ice and snow melt, Liu Ke made the arrangements in advance, just to give everyone the first opportunity to prepare.

It's just that the logistics team has worked hard and must transport materials in the ice and snow.

Fortunately, Liu Ke modified the transport vehicle, adding sleds and eliminating the rollers.On snow, the sled is more effortless.

The war is about to begin.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ta Dun was in high spirits at this time, without the decadence of defeat at all.

His pride lies in the fact that at this time Liucheng has assembled an army of [-] troops.

[-] Wuhuan cavalry are enough to break the Han Dynasty.

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