And Dongyang Hou is just a small Hou Ye of the Han Dynasty.

Why did he resist Wuhuan's army?

Revenge is just around the corner.

Now the winter snow is about to melt.

"Old Chanyu's grudge, I will always remember it." Ta Dun said fiercely, wishing to eat Liu Ke's flesh.

Originally, their tribe was the strongest one, and the reason why they were weak was all due to Dongyang Hou!

"Hmph, I hope so." Su Puyan snorted coldly.

"You underestimate me? Underestimate Liucheng's [-] troops?!" Ta Dun stared at Su Puyan and said.

"It is true that there are [-] troops in Liucheng, but can you command them well?" Su Puyan said bluntly.

Hit Tadun's weakness directly!

Yes, Ta Dun commanded nothing.

Gu Jin and Neng Chen Di, who came to the alliance, refused to accept each other, and they didn't pay attention to those who lost soldiers and generals.

Ta Dun's strength was damaged, but it was the initiator of this alliance, and the three parties were arguing endlessly.

Everyone wants to be a big brother!

But they didn't do the big brother's life.

Of course, the situation cannot be stalemate forever. After all, spring is coming soon, so the quarrel is more intense.

"They won't be able to persist any longer. Only I can lead them to victory. I will make them realize this." Ta Dun said.


Such a distant word.

Su Puyan couldn't believe it at all, Tadun actually said such shameless words.

Not failing is already a gift from God.

After a while, Nanlou came in and said to Tadun, "Shanyu, the army's food is not enough, they ask us to provide food."

"Haha, sure enough, they still can't do without me." Tadun laughed loudly.

"Shan Yu, we don't have that much food either." Nan Lou reminded.

Tadun's smile froze, but he still said firmly: "Isn't it just food? There are many Han people! Just go out and grab it."

"Shanyu, there are no Han people living within a hundred miles, and even if there were, they hid in the mountains." Nanlou said.

"Then go a hundred miles away!" Ta Dun waved his big hand. To the cavalry, a hundred miles is nothing.

"Chan Yu, after my observation, Gu Jin Shan Yu and Neng Chen Di Shan Yu are not short of food, they just want you to bow your head." Nan Lou said, "Even if you provide food, they will still make things difficult for you in other ways until you compromise."

"You fucking, can't you just say it straight?" Ta Dun cursed directly.

"I don't mean anything else. I just want you to recognize yourself. It's just a bad word." Nanlou said.

If Nanlou was here alone, Tadun probably couldn't help but kill him.

Su Puyan squatted by the fire to warm himself up, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

But the three kings belonged to the same camp. They wanted to support the young Lou Ban and did not want Ta Dun to take power.

Ta Dun didn't even resolve his own internal conflicts, so how can he persuade Gu Jin and Neng Chen Di?

Gu Jin has many generals and strong strength, and the combined strength of Ta Dun and Neng Chendi is not as large as Gu Jin.

It stands to reason that he should become the leader, but Ta Dun and Neng Chen Di disagreed.

Because the victory of this battle will determine the situation of Wuhuan.

If you win, you will have the opportunity to become a big Shanyu!

This is the dream of all Wuhuan people and an opportunity to unify Wuhuan.

Wuhuan has guarded the northern border for the Han Dynasty for so many years, so he should be the master of the family.

Gu Jin and Neng Chen Di saw this and came to the alliance.

How could it be because of Ta Dun's charisma!

"Don't hold me back!" Ta Dun said.

Neither of them spoke in reply.

Because their mood is very complicated!

On the one hand, it is beneficial to their tribe that Tadun becomes the leader.

However, once you step up to the top position, what's the matter with Lou Ban?

Relying on this prestige, Tadun can not only keep the Shanyu's position, but also go a step further, coveting the position of the Great Chanyu.

Of course, the premise is that Wuhuan can win.

In the afternoon, Ta Dun attended the meeting on time, and both Gu Jin and Neng Chen Di had already arrived.

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