For a long time, Liu Ke has only paid attention to Wuhuan in the direction of Liucheng, and he can't help but be a little careless about other places.

It now appears that this is a blind spot in the field of vision.

Liu Ke immediately sent someone to call Tian Yu, Tian Yu didn't dare to neglect, and appeared in Liu Ke's tent fifteen minutes later.

Liu Ke expressed his worries, Tian Yu pondered for a while, and said: "If Wuhuan has reinforcements, they can only come from two directions, one is the Xianbei in the north, and the other is the Xiongnu in the northwest."

Fortunately, Xianbei was originally from the same clan as Wuhuan, but they parted ways later.It is easy to explain that they will send troops, blood is thicker than water.

But the Huns were a surprise.

It was the Xiongnu who defeated Wuhuan's ancestors, so that Wuhuan had to rely on the big man to survive.

And the existence of Wuhuan is the policy of the great Han to control the barbarians.

It can be said that there is a blood debt between the Xiongnu and Wuhuan.

If they get together, it's definitely not drinking and chatting.

But to plot more!

"Send more scouts," Liu Ke said.

The simple four words are an extremely difficult task for the Yangzhou scouts.

"My lord, the general is willing to go to the northwest to investigate in person," Tian Yu said.

"Good!" Liu Ke said.

Tian Yu took the initiative to invite Ying, it couldn't be better.With such a person who is familiar with the North, the scout's actions will be faster and more effective.

Because Tian Yu knew that it was easy to hide the army on the grassland.

If the Xiongnu really sent troops, their strength must exceed [-].

The grassland peoples like to carry cattle and sheep as food when they go out on expeditions.

The traces of the army's passing are also easily covered by ice and snow.But cattle and sheep are much easier to find, and they pull a mountain of poop every day.

Tian Yu took away a thousand scouts, and after passing through the pass, he dispersed into hundreds of teams to search the entire grassland.

Before coming, Tian Yu prepared a map, which marked the easiest places for the Huns to set up camp.

He usually checks mines one by one.

Tian Yu wandered on the grassland for seven days, and the heavy snow was almost melting. Just when he was about to give up, he ran into scouts from the Huns.

The Xiongnu and Wuhuan people are easily identifiable in their clothing, because Wuhuan has been influenced by the Han people, and their clothing has changed a lot.

The Huns still maintain the characteristics of the grassland nation.

"Hide!" Tian Yu quickly ordered.

Although the grassland can be seen at a glance, there are many rivers washed by the river. Later, the river diverted, and gullies were formed in these places.

After the Huns' cavalry left, Tian Yu was overjoyed, and hurriedly followed the traces of the cavalry, and found the Huns' camp within twenty miles.

Looking up, there are densely packed tents.

Tian Yu's heart sank, the Huns actually helped Wuhuan, and they almost came out in full force.

The number of troops is no less than [-].

This was Tian Yu's judgment based on experience. Tian Yu sent someone back to report to Liu Ke, while he stayed and continued to observe.

Because he wanted to figure out the number of enemies, the number of [-] was too vague.

This stay is three days.

In order to hide, Tian Yu could only carefully grope outside the camp at a very slow speed.

Tian Yu has gained a lot in these three days.

A full [-] Huns!

Tian Yu couldn't help being a little worried. It would be fine if the Huns came alone.But it is clear that the Xiongnu and Wuhuan have colluded.

Otherwise, the Huns would not have come so coincidentally.

In the past, the Huns were powerful, but they were maimed by the Han Dynasty, and some of them went west all the way to find a new habitat.

Another part of the Huns stayed and chose to submit to the big Han, known as the Southern Huns.

Now that the Central Plains is in chaos, the control over the north is getting weaker and weaker, and the alien race is becoming more and more arrogant.

Originally, the Xiongnu lived more in Bingzhou, but now they all come to Youzhou.

Originally, Tian Yu wanted to continue lurking, but their sneaky appearance was finally discovered by the Huns scouts, and the Huns stepped up their defenses.

Tian Yu had to leave early.

After returning to Youzhou, Tian Yu reported the matter to Liu Ke, and Liu Ke was terrified when he heard it.

If the Yangzhou army suddenly ran out with [-] Hun cavalry when they were fighting Wuhuan, it would be a fatal disaster.

"Is the news true?" Liu Ke confirmed.

"The general will see it with his own eyes," Tian Yu said.

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