Liu Ke suddenly didn't know what to say, why did he have so many things when he entered Youzhou.

"When did the foreign race become so united? Could someone be behind the scenes to fuel the flames?" Liu Ke asked doubtfully.

Soon Liu Ke vetoed it. Cao Cao is too busy to take care of himself now, and he doesn't know how to play these little tricks.

As for the other princes, they don't have the strength to play.

Although Liu Ke was shocked, he was not helpless.

The Yangzhou army is not afraid of these declining aliens.

In order to gather so many troops from the foreign race, all the strong men in the clan were pulled out.As long as this battle is won, it will be difficult for Beijiang to settle down.

"Tell the generals the news." Liu Ke said.

Wuhuan assembled an army of [-], while the Xiongnu assembled an army of [-].

This news shocked everyone.

After the shock, everyone's eyes became hot instead, and this is all credit.

Of course, the possibility of failure is negligible, and this time the Yangzhou Army is very well prepared.

Mainly "array" and "crossbow".

"Haha, this time we can have a good kill!" Lu Bu laughed boldly.

"I hope that when you face an army of [-], you can still laugh." Dian Wei broke the stage.

"What is an army of [-]? Isn't the combined army of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao also a million? The equipment of foreign races is inferior to them." Lu Bu said.

Although this sentence is true, there are also difficulties for foreigners.

The most worrying thing is that the aliens will flee everywhere, and the whole Youzhou will be in chaos.

So Liu Ke is hesitating whether to take the initiative to attack and destroy part of the enemy first.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, the Xiongnu are still in the grassland, it's not easy to catch them," Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke gave up after thinking about it. Yangzhou is located in the south, and raising hundreds of thousands of cavalry is already a great feat.

However, compared to the nomads in the north, it is still not as good.

There is no way to survive in the grassland without horses, so they have no concept of infantry.

Moreover, the weather is still cold and it is not suitable to send troops.

However, Liu Ke ordered to keep an eye on the Huns cavalry and not let them disappear from sight.

Soon after, Liu Ke got information that the Xiongnu cavalry was moving to Liucheng, and it seemed that they were going to join forces with Wuhuan.

Liu Ke was quite speechless about this. The alien race's [-] troops were actually so cautious.

If they split into two groups, Liu Ke would have a greater chance of winning.

It's a pity that the foreign race didn't give this opportunity.

The happiest thing is to stop.

The position of leader can be said to have fallen from the sky!

Originally, after Ta Dun persisted, he had already planned to give up, but Gu Jin and Neng Chen Di suddenly approached him, willing to admit Ta Dun's status.

"Then am I acting as an agent for Da Shanyu?" Ta Dun was secretly happy, and couldn't help but say what was in his heart.

However, Nengchen gave him a blank look, as if saying, try saying another word!

Immediately, it will be empty.

Gu Jin's answer was even stronger, directly threatening:

"If you dare to call yourself the Great Chanyu, I will be the first to cut off your head!"

Ta Dun didn't dare to take a breath, and he also knew where the bottom line of these two people was, so he didn't continue to provoke them.

Anyway, the benefits are already in hand.

"If it wasn't for the imminent arrival of the Huns, we would not want to recognize you as the leader anyway. If you dare to lose face in front of the Huns, you will bear the consequences." Gu Jin said.

That's it!

Ta Dun suddenly realized, and quickly said: "Anyway, we are all Wuhuan people, and the Huns can only use them."

"You can think so, and I'm relieved, don't be fooled by the Huns' rhetoric." Gu Jin said.

"Don't underestimate me!" Ta Dun said.

"Who are the Xiongnu coming this time?" Nengchendi asked suddenly. He only knew that the Huns were coming, but he didn't know who it was. Only Tadun was in charge of contacting them.

"Yu Fuluo Shanyu." Ta paused.

"This old guy is still alive?" Gu Jin asked in surprise.

Yu Fuluo, the son of the Southern Huns Shanyu, led troops to the Central Plains to assist the Eastern Han government in suppressing the uprising during the Zhongping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty. When the rebellion happened in his own country, his father Shanyu was killed, so he stayed in the Central Plains and joined forces with the Baibo army. Taiyuan, Hedong and other places were looted.

All in all, not a nice guy.

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