Countless wealth!

A medium-sized tribe can't afford [-] head of cattle.

Ta Dun accepted the cheers calmly.

However, after returning to the camp, Tadun felt a different atmosphere.

"Shan Yu, we can't get these [-] cows," Nan Lou said.

"Hmph, I have my own considerations." Ta Dun snorted coldly.

"If you can't get it out at that time, won't it damage the reputation of our department?" Su Puyan said.

Although the three kings were gathered together by Qiu Liju and became the majority, they essentially acted independently.

They will not pay for Tadun's waywardness!

"How could it be impossible to get it out? After plundering Youzhou, what kind of wealth is there? With wealth, you can't buy cattle and sheep?" Ta paused.

Nanlou and Su Puyan didn't speak at this moment, because what Tadun said made sense.

"What's more, Dongyanghou's head is so easy to get? When you think about things, you have to go through your brain. I know you are dissatisfied with my Shanyu, but you can't be brainless." Ta paused.

As for the sheep, you can take them out!

Therefore, the three kings' attack failed, and instead of embarrassing Ta, they were reprimanded.

"If you have the ability, the [-] cows are also my promise. As for how to get them out, it's my business." Ta Dun said.

The meaning is very simple, if you are incompetent, don't blame me!

Thus, the legend of the [-] cows was aroused in Liucheng.

After the Yangzhou scouts got the news, they didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported to the base camp.

"Interesting." Guo Jia couldn't help laughing.

"My lord's worth has skyrocketed!" Lu Bu also laughed.

Everyone talks about the small gestures.

Liu Ke didn't expect that Tadun would be so ingenious.He offered a reward of [-] gold, but it was just a gimmick to motivate the soldiers.

Unexpectedly, Tadun would hold a grudge and responded fiercely to this.

"One hundred thousand cows is enough for everyone to have a full meal." Liu Ke said.

Due to the small number of farming cattle in the Han Dynasty, every cow has a household registration in the government.

In a way, cow lives are even more important than human lives.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to slaughter cattle and eat meat. Although repeated prohibitions have been repeated, no one dares to violate the law blatantly.

The [-] head of cattle in Tadun is different. Some cattle in the northern land are not suitable for farming and are the main source of beef.

It takes a lot of effort for Liu Ke to eat beef once, let alone an ordinary person.

"My lord, I have already offered you a reward of [-] cows. Shouldn't his bounty be increased?" Lu Bu said.

I just despise two hundred thousand gold.

"[-] gold is quite a lot, so how about it, when it's time for the expedition, other leaders of other races will also mark their rewards." Liu Ke said.

"Then thank you, my lord!" Lu Bu said, this way, there are more opportunities.

But the information that followed made everyone dumbfounded.

Ta Dun offered rewards to every famous general.


"Brother's bounty is a cow, how did it come to us and turned into a sheep, how poor is it?" Dian Wei said dissatisfied.

A cow and a sheep are very different in value.

"Hey, you still want to compare yourself with the lord, you are far behind." Lu Bu sarcastically said.

"The bounty is always higher than yours!" Dian Wei said.

Due to his irresistible relationship with Liu Ke, Dian Wei's bounty was even higher.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the battle of Jizhou, although Lu Bu showed his face a lot, he had no chance to make a move. Wuhuan didn't know how terrible he was.

Therefore, Lu Bu's bounty was very low, only [-] sheep.

As for the others, the bounty is even lower.

"You said, is it because you are so poor that you can't afford the bounty? Why do I only have [-] sheep?" Zhang He wondered.

Once this question popped up, it lingered.

"It must be." Gao Shun said, he has been with Liu Ke for a long time, and he has fought countless battles, big and small.

In the end, there were only [-] sheep!

After the expansion of the Yangzhou camp, Gao Shun rarely had the opportunity to perform.

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